ممكن حل صفحة 26,29,30,31
اريد حل كتاب work book صفحة 20 21 22
انا اريد حل (24/25/26/27/28/29/30)
?do you think football is fun
?do you eats dinner at six
?does he watch TV in the evening
?do they eat breakfast before school
?do you takes care of the enviroment
?do you think football is fun
?do you eats dinner at six
?does he watch TV in the evening
?do they eat breakfast before school
?do you takes care of the enviroment
اطلبو اي صفحة من صفحه رقم6 الى صفحة رقم41
1_the fire fighter the fire
2_the students corry ther books
3_the children hike up to the mountains
1_the fire fighter the fire
2_the students corry ther books
3_the children hike up to the mountains
come and see we have a doctor a fire fighter a teacher
com and see at 11:00am_3:00pm
com and see at 11:00am_3:00pm
بليييييييييز ابي صفحة رقم 31 تمرين رقم 3 بسرعة بلييييييز ابا ضروري
وين الحل
بليييز أبا حل صفحة 69 في كتاب work book الفصل الثاني
بليييز ضروري
بليييز ضروري