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امتحانات لمادة الانجليزي الصف العاشر الفصل الثالث الصف العاشر 2024.


منقول من مدرسة تشتغل في الوزارة وهي امي،

ارسلو لي لايك لو اعجبكم وقيموني اوك خليجية،

ارجوكم قيموني وارسلو لايك.

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below: Julius Caesar is one of the most famous tragedies in the world. William Shakespeare wrote it around 1599. There have been 5 thousands of performances in the 400 years since. The story is about power. It is about people who use power well and people who use it badly. Julius Caesar was a general in the Roman army. He won a big battle and returned to Rome. Most of the people loved him but some people envied him because he was powerful. They decided to kill him. Brutus was Caesar’s friend. A man called Cassius asked Brutus to join the plot against Caesar. ‘It is for the good of Rome,’ he said. The plotters decided not to kill Mark Antony, another important Roman. It was a very bad decision. The plotters decided to kill Caesar on 15th.March. The night before, Caesar’s wife, Calpurnia, had a dreadful dream about her husband. In her dream, Caesar died at work in the government building. She tried to stop him going to work. But he didn’t listen to his wife, and went. The plotters killed him. Caesar’s friend hit him last of all. After Caesar s death, Mark Antony spoke at Caesar’s funeral. He told the crowd about Caesar’s good qualities and actions. The crowd got angry, and Cassius and Brutus had to leave the city. A war started between the supporters of Brutus and Cassius and the supporters of Mark Antony. At first, Brutus and Cassius won some battles. However, Mark Antony finally won the war, and the other two men died. When Mark Antony saw the body of Brutus, he was very sad. ‘He was the noblest Roman of them all,’ he said. ‘The other plotters killed Caesar because they hated him. Brutus killed him for the good of Rome.’


1-.The main idea in Paragraph 2 is …………… a- the king’s wife dreadful dream b- the plot against Mark Antony. c-. the conflict between the supporters of the king and the supporters of Mark Antony d-. the plot against the king. 2- The king’s death was on ………………….. a- 15th.March b- 15th.April c- 5th.March. d- 25th.March 3- The main idea in this text is …………….. a- respect among family members b- the conflict between good and bad desires c- how to make fun of others d- the life of kings and queens 4- Brutus killed the king because ……………….. a- he loved him. b- he wanted to marry the king’s wife.. c- he loved Rome more his friend. d- he hated him 5-The underlined word “supporters "means… Paragraph 4 a- writers b- plotters c- planners d- followers


الملفات المرفقة

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