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بارقراف موضوع Traveling للصف الثامن 2024.

….السلام عليكم…. شحالكم ؟ شخباركم؟؟؟

المس طلبت منا نكتب مذكراتنا او بارقرافات بالانجليزي
بلييز ساعدوني اللي عنده يكتبه بلييزخليجيةخليجية

انا ما عرف انجليزي

دشي منتدى القصص بالانكليزي ,, بتحصلين ترس

مشكوور أخوي وما تقصر

واالله دورت وما لقيت اللي عنده اي باراقراف او قصة بالانجليييزي عن اي موضوع جاهز يكتبه بلييز


What can you do to enjoy along vacation in aright and exiting way?? One of my best suggestions is to travel to another country. However this suggestion has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, and I will talk now about this two points.
First, I will start with the advantages. One of the most important thing of traveling is to meet new people with different thinking, customs and cultures. Another benefit of traveling is to enjoy shopping, Because every country has an important product or value things to buy from there. For example if you are in French, so you are lucky to buy fashions and leathers . But if you are in Bahrain, the best thing to buy is the gold.
Another useful of traveling is to relax and get back again your power to continue the year with amazing powerful personality , so you can work hard and succeed in your career .
On the other hand as normal every thing has advantages and disadvantages and one of that is meeting people with bad manners and ill thinking , and this people may affect your personality . another harmful of traveling is to get sick because of the changing of the weather.
In conclusion I actually think that traveling is a good way to have new experience and to get new relationship with new people.

summer holiday is the time of fun for all the puplis because they can do whatever they want freely.some of them travel to other countries and some stay here in the uae and enjoy summer clubs and festivals.

well, i spent my holiday here in my home land the uae, i went to ras al khyima and stayed there for two weeks i enjoed going out with my cousins and we also went to awafi and saw the car shows there it was interesting .after that i went back abu dhabi then my dad took us to alain unfourtinatly i fell and hurt my self there

overall it was a wonderful summer holiday to me..

ممكن تدمجيهم وتعملي باراجراف حلو +_+




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