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تعبير عن school day للصف التاسع 2024.

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السلام عليكم

لو سمحتوا

بغيت تعبير عن اليوم الدراسي يعني شو نسوي فـ المدرسة وغيره …… الخ

ااذا ممكن اليوم يكون احسن


This report by Mohammad Alamin a student in Abdulkadir school . It talk about Education in UAE .
Before the discovery of oil, there was a very little development in the Arab peninsula. There were only religious schools where the children were taught by the Mutawaa. Their schools were made of palm trees and certainly no proper educational system. In 1962, when oil production started in Abu Dhabi, the country had only 20 schools for less than 4,000 students, most of them were boys. The country lacked the necessary transportation for development (hospitals, proper, housing, airports, etc…) as well as qualified human resources.
The discovery of oil provided the necessary finances to improve the education system.
This was a high priority for His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the UAE president, who declared: “youth is the real wealthy of nation.” His aim was to use the oil revenue to develop academically and technically qualified citizens –men and women- able to serve their country in its future progress.
When the UAE was established in 1971, education was still largely limited to inner-city areas, and there were less than 28,000 students in the country. Any student wishing to go beyond secondary education was financed by the government and had to go abroad, sometimes to other Arab countries, but mainly to England and the United States.


Education in General
The UAE educational system was established at the beginning of the 1970s, and contains four stages, spanning 14 years of education: 4-5 year olds go to kindergarten, 6-11 year olds go to primary schools, the opening stage provides for children aged between 12-14 years, and 15-17 year olds go to secondary schools. The UAE provides a broad education system for boys and girls, with free education for nationals in governmental schools, colleges and universities. The private education part is always being improved and supplies for nearly 40% of the student population. Some of these schools offer foreign language education for different refugee communities and follow the program of the concerned countries. For example, children can go to English, French, German and Urdu schools.
Educational Strategy
The Ministry of Education and Youth has established a plan, to be applied over the next 20 years, to further develop the education system of the UAE. Their major concern is to make sure the development of methods and programs that stick to the latest international standards, with particular focus on introducing the latest IT resources at all levels. For example, one of the goals is to provide one computer for every 10 children in kindergarten, every 5 students in primary schools, every 2 students in preparatory schools and one computer per student in universities.

The emiratisation of teaching staff is scheduled to reach 90% by 2024, in order to ensure that the Islamic principles and traditions of the UAE are sealed. A Planning, Development and Evaluation Office has been created by the Ministry to oversee the strategy’s accomplishment.
Today, every village in the UAE has its own primary school, a number of secondary schools in the cities offer boarding facilities to make sure that a greater percentage of the population has access to education. To complete the educational system of the UAE, the first higher education establishment in the Emirates, the UAE University, opened in Al Ain in November 1977. Since then, over 20,000 graduates have passed through its doors. More recently, Higher Colleges of Technology ($$$$ men’s and women’s) have opened in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Al Ain, Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah and Fujairah, teaching Business Administration, Accounting, Chemical Engineering and much more. Zayed University for women opened in 1998.

There are also several career and technical education centers for those looking for useful training in their chosen careers. These include the Emirates Institute for Banking and Finance and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Career Development Centre.
In 1999, Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, inaugurated the Centre of Excellence for Applied Research and Training (CERT), providing a unique education program for all nationalities. Higher education is also available through the Zayed Military Academy in Al Ain.
Women and Education
Women have taken maximum advantage of the opportunities offered by the educational system. This is highlighted by the results of the General Secondary School Certificate 1999, where female students performed better than their male partners for the third following year. There have been many female graduates from UAE University and the HCTs in a variety of fields, including the arts, engineering, science, media and communications, and computer technology.
The Education System
Primary and secondary education is provided for all UAE citizens. The existing educational structure, which was established in the early 1970s, is a four-tier system covering 14 years of education.

Age level from: 4 to 5 years old

Length of program in years: 6
Age level from: 6 to 12 years old

Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 12 to 15 years old

Length of program in years: 3
Age level from: 15 to 18 years old
Certificate/diploma awarded: Secondary School Leaving Certificate

Technical Secondary School
Length of program in years: 6
Age level from: 12 to 18 years
Certificate/diploma awarded: Technical Secondary Diploma

Children with special needs
Handicapped centers supervised by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs provide to those with hearing and physical disabilities, the visually impaired and others with special needs. The Ministry is always improving its facilities, at the same time highlighting the role of the family in caring for the disabled. The percentage of disabled people in the UAE is similar to the worldwide average (i.e. 8–10 per cent of the population).
Some major new developments are under way, including a large centre in Abu Dhabi with 70 classrooms and 20 training workshops and the Al Thikka Club which opened in Sharjah. The Ministry of Education and Youth, together with the Red Crescent Society, also opened a centre for autistic children in Abu Dhabi, the first in a number of such centers planned by the Ministry.

Higher Education
Higher Colleges of Technology were established in 1988. Located in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Al Ain, Ras al-Khaimah and Fujairah; these colleges prepare nationals for professional and technological careers in $$$$ government and private parts. Since their foundation, the colleges have grown a lot, with staff and students increasing by about 30 per cent each year.

In the end of this report we know the meaning of education that encompasses teaching and learning specific skills . Also we show a education systems such as: Primary education Secondary education and another systems. I think the education is more important because it help us in our life and solves many problems ..


In the end of this report we know that The United Arab Emirates is now one of the most advanced countries in education providing its people the best schools and universities. It was noted in the recent success of the UAE Education system that the literacy rates have increased. In 1975, only 54% of men and 31% of women were literate. In 1998 this had risen to 73% for men and 77% for women.

ماعرف شحط !! انشاء الله يفيدك ًَ


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