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تقرير عن اتحاد الامارات بالانجليزي للصف العاشر 2024.

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السلام عليكم

بغيت منكم تقرير عن اتحاد الامارات بالانجليزي

دخيييييييييييييلكم هذا الاسبوع التسليمخليجية


والي عتده يحطي

وجزاكم الله الف خير

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

ان شاء الله هذا يفيدج

United Arab Emirates

History has witnessed in the 12-2 1971 birth of the United Arab Emirates which emerged into existence thanks to the clear strategic vision of His Highness Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. The call was sincere and wise leadership of His Highness the reunification Emirates wide response reflected in the meetings that took place between the rulers of the Emirates since 1968 and until the announcement by the European "of the United Arab Emirates sovereign independent State and part of the great Arab homeland to preserve their independence, sovereignty and stability and the payment of all aggression the entity or entity Emirates, members and the protection of the rights and freedoms of its people and the close cooperation between their favor Amaradtha common . "
The governors agreed on a union between chiefdoms and the formation of a supreme council is the supreme power of political decision-making in the new State and consists of owners Highness rulers of the Emirates. In addition to the Supreme Council of the Union of the regime also includes executive authority is the Council of Ministers and the legislative is the Federal National Council and an independent judicial topped the Supreme Federal Court is His Highness the President of the State selection of the Prime Minister in consultation with the members of the Supreme Council then selects the Prime Minister of his government.
The Constitution provides for the independence of the judiciary and the courts consist of the Federal Supreme Court and federal courts of first instance and appeals.
Each of the seven emirates of the Principality of local administrative bodies which are parallel and in some cases overlapping with federal bodies.
Having a National Council, which represents federal regulatory and legislative authority on the second of December 1971 implementation of the provisions of the Constitution of the country and the embodiment of officials keen to choose the Shura approach to the regime and to allow for citizens to participate in shouldering the responsibilities of national action.
After the foreign policy approach to the Emirates from its belonging Gulf, Arab and Islamic and its eagerness to strengthen and widen the circle of friendships with all nations of the world. As the constants of this policy approach to transparency and openness, dialogue and the observance of good neighborliness and relations with all countries ****d on mutual respect and non-interference in the internal affairs of others and inclination to resolve conflicts by peaceful means and commitment to agreements the United Nations and regional and international organizations and stand on the side of right and justice and contribute effectively to the support of international peace and stability.
Worked Emirates at the Gulf basis of the unity of purpose and belief in fate between GCC states to strengthen the Gulf joint work and contributed with sister since the announcement of the birth of the Cooperation Council in Abu Dhabi on the 25th of May 1981 in deepening the ties of cooperation and collaboration between the State and its peoples and to achieve integration among themselves in various fields.
Located in the heart of the United Arab Emirates and the Arabian Gulf is bordered to the north and north-west Gulf waters, west of Qatar and Saudi Arabia to the south by the Sultanate of Oman and Saudi Arabia also from east and the Gulf of Oman Sultanate of Oman.
Extends coastlines bordering the southern coast of the Arabian Gulf distance of 644 kilometers from the peninsula of Qatar to head west and the east, spreading Msendm sign of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Qaiwain, Ras al-Khaimah Emirate coast while extending a seven Fujairah on the Gulf of Oman coast length of 90 km and operated by the State the area between latitudes 22 and 26.5 degrees north, along the lines 51 and 56.5 East Greenwich line.

The area of the state about 83 thousand and 600 square kilometers and thus is ranked third among the Gulf Cooperation Council states in terms of area after Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman.
State land consists mostly of deserts, especially in the western regions Interior and punctuated several of the most important oases famous Wiwa. The number of the population in general
2024 to about 3 million and 754 thousand people, an increase of $ 226 thousand inhabitants for the year 2001 as the number of males and 2 million 543 thousand people and females million and 211 thousand people.
The current growth rate (5.6%) to the Emirates of the highest growth rates in the world, according to United Nations estimates.

The first census conducted in 1968 showed that the number of the population in the seven emirates was about 179 thousand and 100 people confirmed economic indicators during the year 2024 that the economy of the UAE has maintained its stability and robustness at the local level and prestige at the global level, despite the low growth rates the world economy as a result of developments and political and economic events in many parts of the world.

And ****d oil policy to the Emirates-****d care to provide stability and balance in the world oil market in the interests of the producing and consuming works in this regard to support every collective effort aimed at enhancing the coherence and unity of OPEC to play its part in setting the ceiling of the global production of oil to achieve stability prices and conditions of the oil market and secure supplies of oil consuming countries at affordable prices, just by its eagerness to activate the action strategies Organization.

The proven oil reserves doubled to the Emirates several times during the past three decades from $ 30 billion barrels of oil in the 1970s to about 98 billion barrels in 2024 to become so in the third place in terms of oil reserves in the world with increased reserves of natural gas from 626 billion cubic meters in the 1970s to more than six trillion cubic meters, is ranked second by both Arabs and the fourth globally in terms of public reserve of natural gas.

Her Emirates and industrial development of its central role in the diversity of the productive **** strategy pursued by the state to reduce dependence on oil revenues as the only source of national income. The manufacturing sector had the highest rate of contribution to GDP in the year 2024, when that was ranked first among the non-oil productive sectors contributing value of 33.5 billion dirhams in the gross domestic product.

Emirates has established its position in the world tourism industry due to its potential, particularly security, stability and strategic geographical ******** and weather outstanding for more than six months per year.

Population Emirates end of the year 2024

Revealed by the Ministry of Planning on expectations of the economic variables of the State during the current year, with estimated inflation rate of 3%, and population size 4,320 million, and total labor state about 2,304 million, and average per capita income 59,7 thousand dirhams, and consumer spending final 201,2 billion dirhams, total imports by about 213 billion dirhams.

As economic indicators revealed bulletin of the ministry on the size of government final consumption expenditure for 2024 estimated at 43,5 billion dirhams, an increase of 949 million dirhams for the year 2024 amounted to the final private consumption expenditure in 2024 to around 145,2 billion dirhams, an increase of 13,2 billion dirhams for the year 2024, and percentage of almost 10%.

The total commodity imports last year about 190.8 billion dirhams increase of $ 34.2 billion, up 22% from 2024. Moreover, the surplus in the trade balance in 2024 about 51 billion dirhams, an increase of 16 billion dirhams, by 46% from 2024, and total net imports (excluding re-exports) 2024 $ 108.8 billion dirhams, an increase of 19,5 billion dirhams, up 22 % from the 2024 total domestic liquidity 2024 $ 243.5 billion dirhams, an increase of 22.7 billion dirhams, or 10,3% from 2024, the total volume of wages in 2024 to 79.33 billion dirhams, up 3.46 billion dirhams and by 4 .5% from 2024. The total value of production of agriculture and animal wealth in 2024 about 11.79 billion dirhams and production of crude oil and natural gas 99.74 billion dirhams quarries and the production of 1.11 billion dirhams, manufacturing $ 78.5 billion and the production of electricity and water 10.6 billion dirhams amounted the total value of the Construction and Building 2024 $ 35.32 billion dirhams.


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