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حل workbook p.39 للصف التاسع 2024.

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Work Book


1. Is Latifa in the tenth grade?
2.? Are Zayed and Ahmed Emirati
3. Is Abu Dhabi the capital of UAE?
4. Do we have homework tonight ?
5. Do Noura and Al Yazia attend the same high school ?

2. Complete ….:

2. do
3. dose
5. Are
6. is

3. Complete the … :

2. What
3. Which
4. How much
5. When
6. Where


4.In each … :

3. aunt’s
4. friend’s
5. Charles’s
6. Children’s

5. Answer … :
2. hers

3. mine
4. theirs
5. yours
6. ours


6. Complete

2. his
3. their
4. their
5. my
6. your

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