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طلب:براقراف عن الانترنت للصف التاسع 2024.

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آلسسسلآم علييكككم ورحححمة آلله وبرككآته ..

ششححححآلككم آخوآني وآخوآتي !!

لو سسمحتوآ آبآ

– Paragraph about why internet is good and why internet bad!!

وآللي يعرف يعببببر آو عننده يآريت مآيقصصر ضروري آبآآه

وشششككككرآ (= ..

لو سسمحتوآ ويننننكككم

انا سويت بحث في القوقل ولقيت هذا ماادري اذا صح او غلط انتي شوفي ….

The Internet aka world wide web has made an enormous impact on the daily lives of people worldwide. It has changed the way many people communicate, learn and play.
The Internet has allowed people to send and receive information in seconds rather than days or weeks using E-mail. There is no barrier to doing business or collaborative research across continents. Families can use email to keep in touch in a way that was never possible before.
Instant messengers such as MSN, Skype and many others allow text, sound and video to be transferred worldwide instantly as well as sharing images and other data.
As a research and learning tool, the Worldwide Web offers a vast library of data. Finding information is as simple as entering words into a search engine. Knowledge can be gained in minutes rather than hours and days.
The incredibly rapid transfer of data means that people can travel less. Contact can be maintained from almost anywhere in the world as easily as across a meeting table.
The Internet provides a platform for individuals to publish information, advertising data and commerce sites. No other medium is as accessible to individuals and small businesses.
There are many more benefits that are not mentioned but the Internet is not without its critics. Indeed, there are many problems caused by it. A few examples are mentioned here:
Privacy is being compromised by the ever increasing storage of personal data on servers accessible worldwide. Most data is not at all sensitive but important financial and identity data has been used for fraudulent purposes.
E-mail has diminished the value of personal contact, some people argue. E-mail is so convenient that it has replaced millions of face to face meetings and even more hand written scentences.
Although research is now remarkably easy, not all data on the internet is accurate. Individuals are able to generate web sites without any other person reviewing the information posted to the sites. It is often a challenge to separate the accurate information from the dubious data and opinions so often found on obscure web sites.
The Internet can be used for crime as well as legal activities. One of the most publicized activities is that of adults communicating with children. Adults are able to hide behind false identities and have secret conversations online with children. In some cases, great harm has been caused to children in this way.
Many critics will say that social skills are being eroded by online communications. People who would have mixed in society are now found in front of a computer to the exclusion of all other social contact.
The debate about the effects of the Internet on our world will go on for many years. Despite the debate, the Internet will continue to impose itself on the world around us. Like it or not, it is here to stay and society will need to find ways to make use of the technology and be ever vigilant concerning the negative impacts of the medium.

موفقه .. خليجية

Thank you

مشكووورة والله يعطيج العافية

مشكورة اختىخليجية جزاكى الله ألف خيرخليجية

مشكورة أختى والله كنت محتاس ولا أدرى إيش أسوى والله أنا كل كلامى نغم

يبت لكككم آنآ من كتآبتي من عقب مآ شآفته آلمعلمه وصححت آلآخطآء آلآملآئيه (=

آتمنى تستفيدون منه

Today I will write about the advantages and disadvantages of Internet. Why internet is good? Because before the internet if you wanted to do research you had to have your own books, or go to a library and borrow them and nowadays, anyone can sit at home or in a resource centre at school and find information on the internet. In communication before the internet you had to write letters or telephone people, letters took a long time, telephone calls were expensive and nowadays just send an e-mail or write an instant message on MSN and it arrives in second. In meeting people before the internet, it was difficult to find people with similar interests and nowadays, there are many websites, such as my space or facebook. Just creat your own profile. In the other side Why is internet bad ? In information before the internet, publishers checked the facts and nowadays, a lot of information on the internet is not checked by anyone. In communication, Before the internet people sometimes sent letters with advertisements in them and nowadays, people send advertisements in e-mails. In meeting people, before the internet, you met people face to face and nowadays, you meet people on the internet on webcams.

حصلت لج هذا البراقراف جاهز

Internet is a new invention in the world, It has many avantages.
I think that the internet is a very useful invention, first : Internet use in the study and learning it contains a lot of information, Shorten the distance and win the time, then, learn other languages and Access to electronic journals, finnaly, Explore follow up everything that is happening in the world.
however, it hidden dangers, first : Porn sites that are spread in many ways and
Exposure to fraud, next, The spread of ideas contradictory to our values Finally the problem of Internet addiction.
In conclusion, care must be taken when using the Internet.

شششكككرآ لكككم مآقصصرتوآ ..

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