تخطى إلى المحتوى

طلب برجرافات الصف التاسع 2024.

السلام عليكم

كيف الحال
المهم انا عندي طلب صغير واتمنى انكم ما تردوني

بدي برجراف
قصدي برجرافات

1.your country

2. safety

3. why do people become criminals

4. what will you do if you see an accident

5. rules of good driving

6. famous scientist

ويا ريت يكون اكتر من 100 كلمه


what will you do if you see an accident

If I saw an accident I would run to the person who is injured, and i will help that person to stop the bleeding if he was hurt , I will shout to ask for help and ask for a doctor if there was one , Then I will call 911 to come and help the person who had an accident telling them the place where the accident happend , When the imbulace comes I will go with that person to the hospital to make sure that he will be okay , Then I will call for his freinds or his family telling them what happend , and thats It

هذا البراجراف كتبته بروحي أتمنى أنك تستفيد منه و السموحه على التأخير ..

أخووووك مجتهد خليجية


بس انـــــا ابغي برجراف عن
sefety at home
sefety at school

– Safety in the home
Safety is very important for all of us. Every one needs safety every where in the community. Our home is a part of our safety, so we must keep it safe. In order to do that, we should take care of the following things: kitchen tools and hot food should not be within the reach of children. Medicine should also be kept away from children. Electric wires should be covered and three-pin plugs should be used .Never leave the iron switched on .Gas stoves should be kept out side and it would be too dangerous if we left matches for children to play with. Generally, home safety needs much attention and care.

iwant why do people become criminals rules of good driving

تسلــــــــم بس اللي عنده عن

safety at school

يحطه ضروووووري باجر الامتحااااان

i am hatem , i am 23 years old ,from Eygpt

لوسمحت ياأخوي مجتهد عندك برجرافات لصف التاسع لازم ضروري

لوسمحت ياأخوي مجتهد عندك برجرافات لصف التاسع لازم ضروريخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجية

منو عنده برجرافات لصف التاسع

خليجيةلاحول وين البرجرافات


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