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كلمات الوحدة الرابعة , unit 4 , Evaluation Test , الصف السادس للصف السادس

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Mrs. Hubbard was a businesswoman who lived in a large villa with her pet monkey. She bought a home robot to help her with housework. One day she gave her robot four commands. Wash the clothes, cook my dinner, feed the monkey and clean the house. The pet monkey was watching her all the time. When she left the villa the monkey began to play with the robot. He switched it on and off many times. He changed the programmes. The robot didn’t do the work in the right way. Mrs. Hubbard came back to her villa and she was very unhappy

· What do the underlined words mean?

1- The word (pet) line No. 2 means:-
a- dangerous animal b- tame animal c- wild animal

2- The word (housework) line No. 3 means:-
a- chore b- shoes c- school

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