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مشروع الانجليزي للصف التاسع 2024.

  • بواسطة

خليجية مرحباااا كيفكم اليوم سويتلكم مشروع الانجليزي انشاء الله يعجبكم و ما تنسون قيموني خليجية


School:hikmah private school
Subject:project English

Name of project: keep environment cleaning


Weshould keep our environment clean because this is … important maybe if theenvironment

Doesn’tbe clean we will get sick … It’s something dangers…
Pollution is one of the great problems of modern life. Modern means of transport enable man to travel comfortably and fast to any part of the world. Yet, trains, buses, trucks, cars, ships and aero planes pollute the air
with the smoke that comes out of their exhaust pipes and chimneys full of carbon dioxide and lead oxides. Moreover, they cause sound pollution with their sirens, horns and the noise of their engines.
In order to reduce the pollution and keep the environment cleaner, scientists made researches and

produced fuels without lead additives. New laws are issued banning using harmful chemicals in food production. By not using hormones, chemical

fertilizers or poisonous insecticides in agriculture, pollution will be decreased. Planting more trees and fixing efficient filters to industrial

factory chimneys will help purify the air and keep the environment clean.

Thegreatest investment on earth is EARTH itself.
Do not harm anything, that we cannot re-create (air, water, animal and plantlife, soil, etc.)

Avoid non disposable items: Polythene, plastic carry bags covers, disposablebatteries, E-waste-cell phones, computers, other electronic parts.

Dumping debris on fertile land thus land poisoning.

Mindlessdraining of under water resources by bore wells. None preserving of rain water,encroachment and industrialisation of water bodies.
1) Dispose properly of all waste materials.

2) Keep drains and waterways clear of debris as they have proven to be perfectbreeding grounds for mosquitoes.

3) Never allow sticky substances to dry before wiping

Affected area as theyattract flies and other disease-carrying insects

4) be vigilant, do notallow an accumulation of any sort to occur.
5) Read carefully the labels of all products purchased and avoid using aerosoland non-biodegradable products..

Theenvironment is our surroundings. There are trees, herbal plants flower, waterfalls,

forests,mountains, water; airetc.Every people can’t live without this environment. Allof us want this environment to spend our life. So we get many things from environment.Example water, trees, aired .If you clean this

Surroundingsall of us can healthy and strong life. So we must clean our environment. Buttoday’s populations are increasing. These populations live with environment. Soday by day, the people destroy this environemnt.Specially, I want to tell aboutthe air

Pollution.In our country, have many industries. So these industries throw chemicals andvassels.In this case, collect lot of carbendioxide air then pollute environment.So many people put garbage’s to the water. Some times this activity does industries.They put

Their garbage,chemicals to this water. We can get much information regarding this from T.Vand newspapers. So what happened this case pollute the water. Many times thefishes are killed. It will be poisonous. And also many people set fire to china

Cultivating.It pollutes the environment .We can see so many garbage’s on road sides.Villager collects the garbage’s and they use these garbage’s as their plants.So if you pollute this environment we will not be able to grow foods. So wewill decide not to pollute the environment.

We should do everything tokeep the environment clean because this is important

I hope that you like my reportbecause am tired when I do it with my respect
كلي احترام .

السسلام عليكم
يزاج الله خير ..
تسسلمين ما قصرتي
تستاهلين +++

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الطيبة خليجية
السسلام عليكم
يزاج الله خير ..
تسسلمين ما قصرتي
تستاهلين +++

و عليكم السلام ..
يسلمو يل غلا على مرورك نورتي موضوعي

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

ما شاء الله عليج,,

مبدعة اليوم,,وان شاء الله دوم,,

ما قصرتي وتسلم يمناج..

خليجية المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الرمش الذبوحي خليجية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

ما شاء الله عليج,,

مبدعة اليوم,,وان شاء الله دوم,,

ما قصرتي وتسلم يمناج..

الله يعطيج العافية يل غلا على مرورك

تسلمين يا الغلآ
جزاج الله الف خير

يزاااااااااج الله الف خير و ما قصرتي

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