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موضوع عن اوبرا وينفري بالإنجليزي تبين فيه أهم اعمالها الخيرية للصف العاشر 2024.

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موضوع عن اوبرا وينفري بالإنجليزي تبين فيها اهم اعماها الخيرية خليجية

ليييييييييييييييييييييش ما حد رد علي 🙁

هلآ ,

حصلت فجريدة البيان خبر بعنوان " أوبرا أكثر المشاهير تبرعاً بالأموال للأعمال الخيرية "
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Opera more celebrities donated money to charity

Exceeded the value of the money donated to it by the U.S. programs Oprah Winfrey to support the charity ‬ 40 million. And the transfer of the site «People» American of the Group «Fund Cares» American charitable as saying that Winfrey is the most famous contribution of funds for the charity, noting that the amount donated in it, especially through her ​​foundation for supporting education and other programs dealing with women and children, exceeded the ‬ $ 40 million.

The group said that the novelist Nora Roberts solved in second place after Winfrey and the value of their contributions ‬ 4,45 million granted to the Foundation «Nora Roberts» to support education in poor communities.

And replaced American actress Meryl Streep in third place as donated ‬ 4 million for the Foundation «Silver Mountain Arts».

Said Mark Pawlik head of the group, which manages charitable organizations and programs «A large number of celebrities, but we can stop at the fact that the opera occupied the center of the charity over the years ‬ 3 out ‬ 4 ».


آلسموحة تم تغيير آلعنوآن ,

يُرجى إيجآز آلطلب أو آلفحوى في آلعنوآن في آلمرآت آلقآدمة ..

موفقين ..

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اشكرك جدا جدا جدا انقذتيني 🙂

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