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Science Competition للصف السابع 2024.

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لو سمحتو عندي كم سؤاال عن الScience Competition و أبا أجوبة…بسرعة بليييز

How many moons does Uranus Have?-1
a)10 moons B)11 moons C )27 moons

What Color are Neptune’s clouds?-2
a)Grey B)Blue c)Black

What is another name for a meteor?-3
a)shooting stars b)comets c)asteroids

How long has the sun been shining?-4
a)about 10 billion years b)about 8billion years c)about 4 billion years

What was the name of the "Mars Pathfinder" rover?-5
a)sojourner b)sojourmer c)Mars journer

If a sandstone has red,round,smooth grains,where wad the sand made?-6
a)near a volcano b)in the desert c)in the forest

How many side does an ice crystal usually have?-7
a)4sides b)6 sides c)8 sides

What is another name for the liquid ****l mercury?-8
a)quick silver b)quick ****l b)quick element

What is the largest monitor lizard alive today?-9
a)Gould’s monitor b)Nile monitor C)Komodo monitor

Which fish like to sunbathe?-10
a)sunfish b)Oar fish C)flying fish

Can Flying fish really fly?-11
a)yes b)sometimes c)no

how many types of mammal are there?-12
a)nearly 4,500 b)nearly 5,500 c)nearly 7,500

Which animals never need to drink?-13
a)kangaroo rat & the north African Gerbil
b)Desert hedgehog & the north African Gerbil
c)Kangaroo rat and the Pallas’s cat

Where does the collared falconet live?-14
a)India b)Southeast Asia c) a+b

which elements make up the stars?-15
a)Helium b)Hydrogen C)Nitrogen

What do diamonds and coal have in common?-16
a)They are both made up of Carbon
b)They are both made up of Lithium
c)They are both made up of Oxygen

What is the scientific name for the "Femur" bone?-17
a)Thigh bone b)Breastbone c) Collarbone

What are the large vessels that take blood back to the heart called?-18
a)Arteries b)Veins c)Platelets

Who opened the first electric light company?-19
a)Thomas Twyford b)Thomas Edison c)Richard Hooke

For how long does the great spotted woodpecker incubate its egg?-20
a)up to 75 days b)up to 82 days c)up to 93 days

هذه هي كل الأسئلة…بس أنا أبا الأجوبة على الأقل يكون جاهز يوم الثلاثاء….بليييييييز


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