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امتحان اخر السنةانكليزي للصف الثامن 2024.

2nd Preparatory Final Exam
Model Answer : Paper One

Reading Comprehension ( 10 marks )
Unseen Passage
A –( 4 marks : 2marks x 2 )
1———– hotel 2———– fun corner
B- ( 2 marks :1 mark x 2 ) there —- Dubai 2- They —– the mother and her two daughters
C- ( 4 marks : 2marks x 2 )
1- They went to Dubai by car.
2- They enjoyed eating food in one of the great restaurants there.

Seen Comprehension ( 5 marks : 1 mark X 5 )

A-1———– true 2———— true 3——-false

B- 1-Life was very difficult ;there was no electricity in houses, factories or cities .
2- His inventions made life easier and better for people.

Vocabulary (10 marks ; 1 mark x 10 )

A – 1……..fold 2——– laboratory
3———— data 4——— wide 5——- nervous

B- 1——- lock 2———– prefer 3——– powerful
4——– Input 5——— expensive
Language functions ( 10 marks : 2 marks x 5 )

1————d 2———– e 3——–b
4————- a 5———– c

2nd Preparatory Final Exam
Model answer : Paper Two

Letter Writing ( 10 marks )
Layout ( 0.5 x 6 = 3 marks )
7 marks for the development of ideas .

Paragraph Writing ( 10 marks )

2 marks for cohesion / coherence

2 marks for correctness 6 marks for the development of ideas

Structures ( 10 marks ; 1 mark x 10 )

1———- travel 2——— in 3———— so
4——— aren’t they 5———- wouldn’t have

1——— removing 2——– was built 3——- slowly
4——– would be 5——– allowed

Spelling & Punctuation ( 5marks )

( 2 marks ) Ticket protect
( 3 marks ) Meat , fish and chicken are sold by the kilo .

لا تنسوني من دعائكم ….ولازم يكون عدد المشاهدات نفس عدد الردود،،


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مشكووورة ع الرد الجميل وانتي اول وحيدة تردي عليي 16 مشاهدة ولا رد

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