تخطى إلى المحتوى

للصف العاشر 2024.

For and since
“when…?” And “how long…?”

The use(1):
We use “for” and “since” to say how long something has been happening.
•We use “for”+a period of time (three hours, two weeks etc.):
•I’ve been waiting for two hours
• * * * * *|–for 2 hours–|
•-Two hours ago--now-
•For…: two hours, along time, 20 minutes
•Example: “Sally has been working here for 3 months.”(not since 3 months).
•We use “since”+the start of a period(8 o’clock, Monday, 1999 etc.):
•I’ve been waiting since 2:30.
• * *|–since 2:30–|
•Since…: April, 8 o’clock , * I got up…etc.
•Example: “I haven’t seen tom since Monday”(not for Monday).
جاري التحميل…
The use(2):
•Conditions: you may leave without “for” (but not usually in negative sentences):
•They’ve been married (for) ten years. (with or without for)
•They haven’t had a holiday for ten years. (you must use for).
•We do not use for+ all…(all day/all my life etc.):
•I’ve lived here all my life. (not for all my life).
when…?(+past simple) and
how long…?(+present perfect)
•A: When did it start raining?
•B: It started raining an hour ago/at 1 o’clock.
•A: How long has it been raining?
•B: It’s been raining for an hour / since 1 o’clock.
جاري التحميل…

•A: When did Joe and Carol first meet?
•B: They first met {a long time ago.}{when they were at school.}
•A: How long have they known each other?
•B: They’ve known each other {for along time.}{since they were at school.}
“We can say…:”
•We say ‘It’s (a long time/two years etc.) since something happened:
•It’s two years since I last saw Joe.
•(= I haven’t seen Joe for two years)
•You can ask ‘How long is it since…?’:
•How long is it since you last saw Joe?
•(= when did you last see Joe? )
•You can also say ‘it’s been (= It has been) …since…’:
•It‘s been two years since I last saw Joe.
Exercises: (1)
•-Write for or since:
•1. It’s been raining since *lunchtime.
•2. Sarah *has lived in Paris ………….. 1995.
•3. Paul has lived in London …………… ten years.
•4. I haven’t been to a party …………… ages.
•5.Kevin has been looking for a job ….…… he left school.
•-Write questions with how long and when:
•1. It’s raining.
•(how long?)
•“ How long has it been raining?”
•“when did it start raining?”
•2.Kate is learning Japanese.
•(How long/ learn?)
•(when/ start?)
•3. Rebecca and David are married.
•(how *long?)
Exercises: (2)
•Select the right answer:
•The beaver has been an emblem of Canada ________ many years.
– *since
– *for
•Jo has been a student here ________ March.
– since
– for
•Maya has been a professional singer ________ 1989.
– since
– for
exercise: (3)
•First Nations people in British Columbia have told stories about the eagle ________ hundreds of years.
A. since
B. *for
•So far, it has rained ________ five hours.
D. for
•Cougars have almost disappeared from the Victoria area ________ humans settled here.
E. since
F. for
exercise: (4)
•The Canadian two-dollar coin (or toonie) has been in circulation ________ 1996.
A. since
B. *for
•Mary has kept a diary ________ she was ten years old.
C. since
D. *for
•They’ve been married ________ twenty-five years.
E. since
F.* for
جاري التحميل…
exercise: (5)
•First Nations people in British Columbia have told stories about the eagle ________ hundreds of years. *
A. since
B.* for
•I haven’t been snowboarding ________ last winter.
C. since
D.* for
Which is correct?
•FOR or SINCE …*** Which is correct?
•[]*for* []*since**|*** eleven years
•[]*for* []*since *|****ages
•[]*for* []*since *| ***nine thirty
•[]*for* []*since *|****a really long time
Which is correct?…(2)
•[]*for* []*since *|we found the money

•[]*for* []*since *|*Easter Sunday
•[]*for* []*since *|*ten seconds
•[]*for* []*since *|* a minute
Put in the right word!

vI’ve been living in*New York *______**1 year.
vI haven’t seen you ______**a week.
vI have been waiting ______ 12:30.
vI’ve lived here ______ 5 years.
vI’ve lived here ______ 2024.
Put in the right word!(2)

v______she came here I’ve been very nervous.
vShe has been married ______ ten years.
vShe has been married ______ 1998.
vI have been living in Valencia ______last June.
vI haven’t seen you ______ last week.
Put in the right word!(3)

vYesterday I studied ______ three hours.
vShe has been studying English ______ two months.
vShe has been studying French ______ last January.
vShe has been studying Japanese ______ 12:00.
vShe has been studying Arabic ______birthday.
Put in the right word!(4)

vShe has been waiting you______ two hours.
vShe has been living here ______ a long time.
vI’ve been working here ______two years.
vI have loved you ______ the first time I saw you.
•The lesson: (animations & sentences) *
“-Mohammed Rahmani”
•Exercises: (1)animations:
•“-Mahmoud Jassem”
•“-Mohammed Rahmani”
•“-Mohammed Talal”

السلام عليكم
بارك الله فيك
يعطيك العافيه

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

اخوي بارك الله فيك هذا مب بوربوينت..

ياريت تعطيني عنوان الموضوع عشان العنوان..



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