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نموذج امتحان انجليزي للصف التاسع 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
ارجو ان يعجبكم النموذج بس انتظر الردود

The First Semester 2024 – 2024

1- Reading Comprehension: Passage 1

Read the following passage, then answer the questions below:

For thousands of years, people produced most of the things they need themselves.
They grew their own crops and hunted for food. However, later people learned that they could have more and also better goods by exchanging things they did not need for things that they needed. Merchants, who were also explorers, began to carry their goods longer and longer distances.
The most famous early land merchants were from Babylonia, which is now Iraq.
They traveled thousands of kilometers on camels and donkeys in groups known as caravans. They had to carry food for the animals and the men, so there was no much space left for goods. Consequently merchants carried high- value goods like gold and diamonds.
Trade was very important during the hundreds of years when the Romans ruled a lot of the world. They traded with China and brought back silkworms in order to start silk production in Europe.
In the past, trade was local and people in different countries ate different foods and wore different clothes. This was mainly because it was more difficult to move goods from place to place than it is today. Today, trains, trucks, ships and planes make it easy to transport large quantities of goods quickly and cheaply.

A- Complete the following table:

Today, goods are transported by In the past, goods were transported by
1- 1-
2- 2-

B- Mark with (  ) or ( X ):
1- Trade began when people started to exchange goods without money. ( )
2- The most famous early merchants were from Iraq. ( )
3- Trade was not very important when the Romans ruled a lot of the world. ( )
C- Choose the correct answer to complete the following :
1- In the past people grew their own —— and hunted for food themselves.
a- animals b- trade
c- crops d-merchants
2- Merchants traded with China and brought back —— to start silk production in Europe.
a- silver b- gold
c- diamonds d- silkworms
3- Modern systems of transport have made world trade —— and cheap.
a- hard b- long
c- easy d- difficult

Passage II

Read the following passage , then answer the questions below :

My day begins when my mother wakes me just before dawn to say my prayers. Then I make myself a cup of tea and does some school work. After that, I take my breakfast my mother prepares and then walk to school. It takes me about ten minutes to get there. The first class begins at 7:30. After the third class, we have a 20-mintue break, which gives us enough time for some XXXXXXXments. After the final class of the day, which ends at 1:30, we get back home. Immediately I take my lunch and have a nap. Then I play football for some time and come back to do my homework and prepare my lessons.
I spend my evenings in many different ways. Sometimes I go with my friends to the city center and the club to play football or tennis. On some evenings, we go to wander around looking at interesting shops. On the other evenings, I stay in and watch TV. Whatever happens, I go to bed by eleven o’clock at least.

A) Choose the most suitable answer from a, b, c or d:
1-The passage is mainly about —— .
a) the writer’s school b) the writer’s friend
c) a day in the writer’s life d) a day in the city center

2- The writer goes to school ——.
a) by bicycle b) by bus
c) on foot d) by car

3- It takes the writer —— minutes to reach his school.
a)15 b) 30
c) 20 d) 10

B) Circle the meanings of the underlined words in the passage:
1- The word begins ( line 4 ) means ——.
a) ends b) starts
c) wakes d) takes

2- The word club ( line 9 ) mean a place where people ——.
a) play sports b) see old things.
c) see animals d) live

C) Choose the most suitable answer from a, b, c or d.
1) Why does the writer get up early? To ——.
a) prepare his breakfast
b) play football for some time
c) have a 20-minute break
d) pray and do some school work.

2) Where does the writer watch TV? At ——.
a) school
b) home
c) the club
d) the coffee shop

2- Vocabulary
A- Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d:

1- Her class will ——for her after her speech .
a- test b- vote
c- behave d- represent

2- After 4 or 5 years you can get a —— in your work.
a- career b- file
c- work d- promotion

3- If you want a good career you can ask the career ——.
a- advisor b- customer
c- boss d- manager

4- Radio , TV , magazines and Internet are examples of ——.
a-q ualifications b- experiences
c- profiles d- mass media

5- He doesn’t work well with his ——in the company.
a-abilities b- colleagues
c-qualities d- letters

6- The —— is a very big book with information about many different areas of knowledge .
a- leaflet b- index
c- research d- encyclopedia

7- If you have a lot of useful skills , you become more ——.
a- shy b- employable
c- clerical d- lazy

8- The starting —— of a doctor is low .
a- salary b- job
c- office d- desk

9- My brother is an engineer . He works in the oil ——.
a- field b- shop
c- envelop d- XXXXf

10- A —— journalist works far from home .
a- good b- bad
c- freelance d- lazy

B- Classify the following under the appropriate heading :

search engines manager advisor website journalist

Interest Jobs

3. Grammar

A- Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d:

1- She doesn’t enjoy —— English films .
a) watch b) watching
c) watched d) watches
2- They —— overtime if you want .
a- can works b- can working
c- can work d- can worked
3- He often —— in the mosque.
a) pray b) praying
c) is praying d) prays
4- Amna —— read the advertisement of the school clubs.
a) don’t b) doesn’t
c) not d) aren’t
5- Look ! The child ——, he is afraid.

a) is crying b) crying
c) was crying d) cry
6- The British football team played well , —— they didn’t win.
a) or b) but
c) and d) because
7- Would you like —— to Al-Ain University ?
a) going b) go
c) to go d) goes
8- Alia —— TV at the moment .
a- watching b- does watching
c-is watching d- are watching
9- He studies —— the Gulf International School .
a- at b- to
c- in d- of
10- Where —— from ?
a- you are b- are
c- are you d- you
11- —— lessons end at 2 : 00 ?
a- Does b- Do
c- Are d- Have
12- There is a prize for the winner , —— is very expensive.
a) she b) they
c) he d) it
13- What —— to work at the school .
a-they need b- they do need
c- are they needing d- do they need
14- He —— in a hotel at the moment .
a-stays b- stay
c- is staying d- are staying
15- My friend ——.
a- comes always late b- always comes late
c- late comes always d- comes late always

B- Re- order the following words to make good sentences :
1- with a translation write in a notebook I new words.
2- ends course the July in.
3- a meeting a week I once have
4- does the Sun when rise ?
5- He last week very friendly was and interesting.

4- Writing
A- Fill in the missing letters :
1- Most people like people because of their pers__nality and their behavio__r .
2- Miss Mona is in charge of the language r__source centre.
3- The government employ__s many people in the UAE .
B- Write three meaningful sentences about YOUR SCHOOL SUBJECTS:
1- …………………………………………………………………………………..
2- ………………………………………………………………………………….
3- …………………………………………………………………………………
C- Write a personal profile (80 to 100 words) ABOUT YOURSELF.
These notes may help you :

name age achievements involvement in sport
educational visits favorite subjects

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