تخطى إلى المحتوى

مواضيع التعبير للصف التاسع اللغة الانغليزية الفصل الأول 2024.

السلـًٍِـأم ع ـليكم ورحمه اللهـٍ وبركااتهٍ..

آآ.. التعاابيـٍر منقولهٍ بذمتيه ..

وكل الشكر لمن تعبـٍ في كتاابتهاا ..

Why is the Internet good?
The Internet has many advantages. It opens the doors to an up- to- date and vast knowledge at a high speed. It is the source of information. It is an amazing method of communication. People can talk to each other via programs like MSN. They can send cards and emails which in the long run saves money. Businessmen use it to sell and buy products online in an easy efficient way.
Businessmen nowadays do online banking, and search for information using search engines (tools). You can use it to purchase (buy) airline tickets, play games or find a job. Online news stories can be updated faster than newspapers.
Why is the Internet bad?
The dangers of the Internet lurk everywhere. When someone sends a virus into your computer via the Internet, the virus can damage it. The information may not be true. There are sites on the Internet that Muslims must avoid it. Do not visit such sites. Students must guard against spending time on the Internet that should be spent in reading and writing. Meeting people may be dangerous. Be careful! Do not believe people on the Internet. Do not tell them any personal information, such as your address. Do not arrange to meet anyone. If you think that someone is lying, tell an adult.
The School council
The school council is a group of people, teacher and students. They meet together once a month, they are talking about the problems at the school. And they discuses how to make the good things better and how to change the bad things to good things. You can be representative of the students, who goes to the meeting for your class. It is not an easy job but it is exciting and very
useful for the school.


شكرا لج ع النقل

الـ ع ــٍفوْ

شكرااااًًً كتير الله يجزيكم الخير

العفـِ و تسلمين أختي ع الردٍ

تسلمين حبووبه ع التعبير ..

ان شاء الله الكل يستفيد ^^

تقبلي مروري ..


شكرا على الموضوع

ـيًسلمو ع الرد

ثــآآآنكـس ..

بـآآجر عنـدي امتحـآآن زيـن انـي لقيتهـم ^^

تسلمـييييين ,,

اترك تعليقاً

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