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تعبير انجليزي قصير عن المهن او الاعمال 2024.

ارجوكم اريد تعبير عن المهن مثل الشرطة


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته

أخي هذا الموضوع عن الـ job يجب على الطالب أن يعمله بنفسه

ويجب عليك الأعتماد على نفسك لأن ليس كل شيء موجود في الأنترنت

لكن سأبحث لك عن الموضوع إن شاء الله..


إن شاء الله غيري يسااعد ..

ينقل للقسم المناسب

بالتوفيق ..

m kl;

هذا هو التعبير اللي طلبيته
لا تنساني من الدعاء وهو عن الشرطة

Expression of the police profession:

The police profession and maintain the security of the professions are great and the great religion of Islam. He spoke of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him for
Criminal great to be that you achieve your goal, God willing, eye guard watchful to the security of the people. A profession are no different rules and set up in each and every place in the world. It is in Cairo as it is in London, which was in Washington as it is in Riyadh. You will not find a substantial difference in job security and to ensure the comfort of people from one place to another. This is not the box big and great, which is expected policeman by the Evening and tired of maintaining security to the people. So look for the man the police with all the love and respect and appreciation in many countries of the world. and no one can say that Egypt, this ancient country is secure God praise and thanks, and thanks to the eye watchful of men our police brave protected them the God of all evil. then you can go in Egypt safe and at peace for yourself. at any hour of the day or night. confident that the country safe streets and buildings. However, many countries may go in streets and are even not sure you will reach your home or business without being subjected to harm or hurt. Therefore, I would say I am as a person opposed to the regime failed to have. There is no difference often between this system and the vast majority of police officers guarded. Without that in these men a lot of good and they are better tell honest what could one of us to walk on this earth is safe comfortable against himself or to his son or daughter. and that we are talking about practices together by some policemen. This is as I return in the first place to the overall policy of the Ministry of Interior and is system governance and corrupt the great imbalance in it. Were it not for Salah these men who are guarding the country’s security was the case is not the case in the righteousness of probation. There are many rules lacking in Egypt and is based on the installed system arbiter of justice and the law firm. However, good governance and the law had been missing almost in the righteousness of Egypt. The deputies conscience of a man police in Egypt, he is alright, God willing. But the breach and the violation comes to us from here. of such a system corrupt established to force some of the police and then to the absence of law strict censor on those corrupt. So I hope fair-minded people that hold a comparison between a man police Egyptian and his Western counterparts. you will find I think a paradox that the Egyptian might be more professional and professionalism of his Western counterparts when given the same conditions, climate and politics. but keep that for the western system the rule put in front of its functions are well known and easy for the guiding and it down. then she would provide him with climate that creates it a professional police and more professional. And then there is the law that gives him the powers required. But do not forget at the same time to put strict control on these powers. All power corrupts absolutely is no doubt from the womb of God. So I think that people are not in a feud with a man police in Egypt. They are rather in a feud with the failure and poor methodology and the Ministry of the Interior and the absence of law, Sergeant Ali profession with pride in a man police man police-Masri, who sees to the comfort and protect us

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