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paragragh about work and business للصف الثامن 2024.

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بدي براااااااااااااجراف عن العمل ورجااااااااااااال الاعمالخليجية

ضروووووووري لوسمحتووووووووو

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

تفضلي اختي البرجراف..

How many of us aspire to enter into this world and that it achieves what he wants and that is said about him becoming a businessman and not only, but the name of the owners of the funds.

Here’s the ambition of men in the principle of wealth and lead and become a well-known figure with a strong personality and its potential physical and also aspires to be a role in community service, and that draws attention to him and I did not everyone in this view, as we said but some or most likely.

The important thing here is how to become a businessman, and that out of all my ambition and my son name me in the domestic and global market How do I get to this success, some people think through some of their books as they could Augeok to the right path and give you all the scientific solutions in order to avoid losses and raise profits despite that most of them will not be able to reach this dream because of lack of support for them and some have a bunch in the modern feel his audience as someone who has the ability, and that was not owned and here the person must be warned before falling into the sweet words people are only good for talk and test their work in reality or trying to to run his own with some help from some experienced people that did that to such acts and have proved successful.

The self-made person is one of the most powerful businessmen for its ability to manage its projects because people started from scratch, as they say, and here lay the foundations for doing its job properly and implemented them and reached for his way, how to get you to what you meant? Through trust yourself first and not the adventure of others calculated and avoid the temptations that give you the feeling that you will become wealthy mandate within a short period of time and not to pay high amounts for certain products or services without the study and informed you of the full market, there are speculators Johmuk that the market in high permanent until you fall in Mshehadthm then find that it eclipsed the earth, and such examples saturated the Saudi market by, and asked people, they were able to build their name in the market for entrepreneurs find that their debut do not have any adventures, but diligence long period of time until he reached the conclusion reached by .

Tip: Avoid all offers that type of exaggeration and temptation often stay is a special imaginary, and that became a reality is the fact that less than expected, some draws you to the plate is beautiful and lucrative offer bold and find some conditions which, if you read the left supply line is very small which is a trap went you through to make you consider only one side and leave the other side.

The start of any work to be done is to make sure the client that you want to target that is sweeping the market by the content item or service and taking a sample of them and provide them with the product and see how satisfied they were with him in order not to provide product in the latter united to demand it.

Interest in the work carried advertising in order to attract all of the above and try to make the offer attractive manner and avoid the tricks and over-supply or develop some features that are not owned by your product here become the credibility of your business is weak and less demand for your products and providing your product explicitly avoids the problems you may experience in the future and strengthen here your reputation in the market that you want to grow it and want to become one of the biggest business.

Here, note that the successful are made with high quality of their work and take care of the requirements of the client, which is the basis of their success if the client is satisfied with something to offer him ..

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