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paragraphعن favorite possesion للصف العاشر 2024.

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My Favorite Possession

Jonathan Stark

Initially we thought it was just a personality quirk then someone suggested a mental disorder, you know, like bi-polar or even schizophrenia. It was an idea that caught on, I mean, the man was textbook symptomatic and none of us knew anybody personally to compare him too. He was just nuts and we called him the Rat.

I actually looked for prescriptions but didn’t find anything. I think for the others it was more of a fun way to poke back, to explain what defied explanation – a god myth telling of the rising and setting of the sun. For me it was a hunger to know what controlled the Rat’s heart and soul, how he could be so predictably unpredictable. I realize I’m speaking in melodramatic cliches but they fit him so.

I think it was my special attention to him physically that first clued me into the anomaly of his insanity. The Rat wasn’t sick. Not like that. His eyes were haunted but not paranoid. His actions were deliberate and consistent. He wasn’t crazy doing crazy things, he just switched from sane to insane, friend to abusive tyrant.

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