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prouD 2 Be EmiRati للصف العاشر

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اليكم بعض أورآق العمل لـ ملف الانجـآز عن وحدة ProuD 2 Be EmiRaTi ^^"

دعوآآتكم ترىـآ وايد متعوب عليهـآ خليجية

موجودة بالمرفقات بشكل مرتتتب

بعض الاقتباسات من المرفقات ((

Traditional costumes in the Emirate:
I think that the traditional costumes in the Emirate is very important to demonstrate the folklore, and I’m proud of this fashion and tradition, because they give the impression of a special report on the Emirate.
Featuring traditional costumes in the Emirate and features several properties include a way to wear and its colors and decoration, as well as customized with some of the differences are very simple and not Tzther the general pattern which we to mind the uniforms Cbie and national respect to the Emirate only, and to crystallize these particularities and advantages in the following.

First, for women :-
1. They are made of natural fabrics such as silk and good industrial and transparent cotton.
2. Ttrisaha materials used in luxury Kckheot gold and silver yarns mainly along the lines of gold and silver industry, as well as silk and colored cotton.
3. They are varied and multiple. Are divided into groups, including clothing and clothing out of the house and prayer and events.

4. That each type a name or a certain conventionally called either for decoration or for a way to wear or to the quality of Qmacha.


الملفات المرفقة

هلا و غلا ,
ما شاءالله عليج , منوورة اليوم .. صراحة فتحت المرفقات مرتب و حلوو .

شكرا لج

يا ريت تحطين جزء من المرفقات في الموضوع نفسه عشان الموضوع ما يكون قصير واايد ,,,, تم التعديل.

الملفات المرفقة

nice one sis keep it upzZzZzZz خليجيةخليجيةخليجية

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

اششكرج اختي , ششغل متعوب عليه..

ان شاء الله تنورينا على طول بمواضيعج الحلوة والمفيدة

الملفات المرفقة

тнаиќ џоu

الملفات المرفقة

اترك تعليقاً

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