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science and nature الصف الحادي عشر

السلام عليكم والرحمة
اعلومكم؟عساكم طيبين


ابي تقرير عن science and nature

والسمــــــوحة ع القصـــــور

أختي ما حصلت
حصلت عن علوم الطبيعة وهي بس فقرة صغيرة هاللي حصلته

Studying natural sciences – physics, chemistry, biology and earth science classes and astronomy – the universe in different facets of the regularity of atomic and molecular levels corn cells and member of the creature objectivity. Concerned with road works where matter and energy to show different aspects of the creature. The very science these rights in giving a certain degree of control over these forces in order to improve the situation of the material. The Bchgvha to reach respects Bunch in the creature, and eventually find a reason for the ultimate creature, looks natural sciences to use this knowledge to the ultimate cause of the creature for the control of various phenomena and thus make the sovereign rights of the universe.

All this is the appropriate scope of reason. If the human mind world free of anxiety and unhappiness of life and reassuring and happy and peaceful; If the idea of a sharp, and its distinctive refinery; and if developed in intuition and a growing sense of vision – certainly it will be able to discover much more than what was discovered during the many centuries in scientific research.

Evolve all the characteristics of the mind of those easily through this system, in the absence of better results modern scientists found that it was most due to chance or luck, even though it was in the line called method of search. Such incidental findings in the field of natural forces by the mature brain-produced and mass destruction of humanity. Like a child who plays anything even Balgsn burning coal or flared, as well as play-mature minds of the scientists present in all parts of the world find it by chance during their experiences Energy Agency and nuclear weapons.

Will refer to this treatment deep routes that unless complete study absolute field of education, would be the real significance of Education never incomplete. Flantmani that brings educators educators in this generation to the level of the event and pave the way for the full education of present and future generations.

وما تقصرين

الله يسلمج ^^

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