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story starters للفصل الاول للصف الثامن 2024.

  • بواسطة

السلام عليكم …

امتحان اللغه النكليزيه ممكن يكون story او مقاله او … او … او …. المهم …
جبت لكم .. story starters مشوقققه … وانشاء الله تفيدكم…

i konw it was going to be an unusual damy room come into my badroom anat said

it’s lost ! what could i do now that

she was a funy old laddy , but i knew she had come to hell me …

the waves crashed across the sand and i knew

there is nothing better than ….

they were in te grocery store , in the freezer sectiom , when it happened …..

this was it the momenti had waited for tow weeks . the moment when ….

" wheredid everyone’go? i shofed , but there was no anser .

at a chinese restrant , i opened a fortune cookie and read the follwing message :"you should be careful today" . i got scared when i read it .

it was a beatful sunny day on a farm in the narthen hills the coountry of italy ….

للامانه : موب منقول … كتبته لكم …. ( المسعطتنا ايه وحطيته لكم علشان تستفيدوا خليجية)
اتمنى انه نال اعجابكم ….

وشكرا خليجية
مع تحياتي :sacra

اتمنى لكم الاستفادههّ

وجبتلكم بعد ال possible story Endings..

i never want to stay alone in the house again!

and so w’ll never know what really happened

and now we could all have a well erned rest

and that was the end of that

it had fhinshed at last

and so it was over

we had supper and wentto bed teird but happy

the horror was over and we were all safe

there was home at last we had made it

so it had turned out alright in the end

and they lived happily ever after

and it was a wonder ful way to end things

and i cant wait to do it again!

and as the night drew in I as glad it was all over

thats All
m3 t7yatei : sacra

وجبت بعد ال altenative words for ‘ said’


ااتمنى لكم الاستفده والنجاح ،،،،
مع تحياتي …

тнаиќ џоu

مشكورة اختي ماقصرتي

العفو .. نورتوا الصفحه …

شوكرا خيتو ^^

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