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Weekly Reflection للصف الثامن 2024.

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Weekly Reflection
Week 1: when I read the narrative "Riding with Rosa parks" I have understood that person could make a difference if all people support each other in the community
. I think that laws should be fair and treat people equally .
. I used plot diagram to organize the sequence of actions and a character study table to organize the traits of the characters.
. I think reading the title and the subheading help guess and predict the events of the story.
. I have conference with my teacher to discuss the purpose , language and emotion of the characters Next week I’m going to generate some topics related to the narrative .
Week 2: when I read the information text "volunteer students" I have understood that student can contribute to their community welfare.
. I think that there are many things young students can do to help people in their community.
. I used diagram to organize the information in the three parts of the text .
. I think reading the subheading helps me to compare the actions of three students .
. I have conference with my teacher to discuss the importance and benefits of volunteer work .
Next week I’m going to read more about volunteer work .
Week 3: when I read the information text "community connections" I have understood that community services are so important to build a healthy community .
. I think that people can be an important part in developing service help other people in their community .
. I used a mind map to organize the information in the text
. I think reading the definitions help me to understand the text.
. I have conference with my teacher to discuss the importance and benefits of community services.

Next week I’m going to do more research on community services.
Week 4: when I read the discussion text "young people and volunteer work " I have understood that some people should in some community service while others disagree .
. I think that young people should be
. I used the discussion scaffold to organize the information in the text.
. I think the discussion scaffold helps me identify ideas for and ideas against volunteer work.
. I conference with my teacher to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of volunteer work.
. Next week I’m going to write a discussion text on "working women"

ما شاء الله على الموضوع
تستاهلين 10 على 10
لو حسيت ما بنجح بالانكليزي اكتب البارقراف بخط حلو وواضح اطلع درجات منه ^_*

شكرا لج

برجراف جميل تسلمين الله يوفقج .

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
ما شاء الله عليج اختي..
صدقه امير , الخط الحلو والواضح يلعب دور..

العفو ……


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