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Wordlist Theme 5 Gr 7 كلمات الوحدة الخامسة و المعاني , الصف السابع للصف السابع

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آلسَلآم عليكُم وآلرحمَه ,

Wordlist Theme 5 Gr 7 كلمات الوحدة الخامسة و المعاني , الصف السابع

فآلمُرفقآت , موفقين ..

Accomplishments (n): the act of completing something successfully. انجاز
Advisor (n): a person who gives advice to a company, government, etc. مستشار
Architect (n): a person whose job is to design buildings. مهندس معماري
Architecture (n): the study of how buildings are planned and constructed. الهندسة المعمارية
Artist (n): somebody who produces art, especially paintings or drawings. فنان
biographer (n): a person who writes a story of somebody else’s life. كاتب السيرة
biography (n): the story of a person’s life written by somebody else. سيرة
business (n): buying and selling as a way of earning money ; commerce. عمل تجاري
creature (n): a living thing such as an animal, a bird, a fish or an insect, but not a plant. مخلوق
depression (n): a feeling of unhappiness and hopelessness that lasts for long time. اكتاب
die (v): to stop living. يموت
difference (n): the way that people or things are not the same. اختلاف
event (n): something that happens, especially something important or unusual. حدث- واقعة
happiness (n): feeling of pleasure. سعادة
ill (adj): not in good health, not well. مريض
invent (v): to think of or make something for the first time. يخترع – يبتكر
journalist (n): a person whose job is to collect, write or publish news. صحفي
landscape (n) an area of country (when you are thinking about what it looks like). منظر طبيعي
literature (n): writing that considered to be a work of art (novels, plays, poetry …) الادب (شعر, قصص …)
musician (n): a person whose job is to play a musical instruments. عازف موسيقى
novel (n): a book that tells a story about people and events that are not real. رواية
novelist (n) a person who writes novels. روائي
orphan (n): a child whose parents are dead. يتيم
painter (n): a person who paints pictures. رسام
painting (n): a picture that somebody has painted. صورة زيتية
play (v) to do something to enjoy yourself. يلعب, يلهو
play (n): a story which is written to be performed by actors in the theatre. مسرحية

playwright(n): a person who writes plays. مؤلف مسرحي
poem (n): a piece of writing, often arranged in short lines which rhyme. قصيدة
poet (n): a person who writes poems. شاعر
pretend (v): to appear to do or be something in order to trick or deceive somebody. يتظاهر, يدعي
reject (v): to refuse to accept somebody or something. يرفض, ينبذ
sculptor (n): a person who makes figures or objects from wood, stone, ..etc. نحات
sculpture (n): the art of making figures or objects wood, stone, clay … etc. فن النحت
sigh (v): to let out a long deep breath that shows you are tired, sad, relieved. يتنهد, يتاوه
sigh (n): the act or sound of sighing. تنهُد,
successful (adj): having achieved what was wanted, having become popular. ناخح, موفق
undergrowth (n): bushes and plants that grow around and under trees. ما ينبت تحت الاشجار و حولها
usually (adv): in the way that is usual: most often.
من المالوف, كثيرا ما, عادة
wizard (n): a man who is believed to have magic powers. ساحر

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Abazer Al Sheikh

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الملفات المرفقة

ممكن حل الوحدالأولى من كتاب الووورد بوك كاااامل
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