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تقرير managing Anger 2024.

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Managing Anger: Introduction

Just because you are angry does not necessarily mean you have a problem. Most people have been angered at times in their lives. It is after all part of the natural response that helps our survival and helps us to protect others. Here are some examples of when anger is helpful and healthy.

[LIST][*]It gives us the courage to defend ourselves or those we love.[*]It motivates us to improve the world by inspiring social action and justice.[*]It confirms our individuality, especially when we are children.[*]It warns others not to take advantage of us.[/LIST]
The person who is not able to admit any anger risks depression, low self-esteem and victimisation!
Frequent or excessive anger is not useful; in fact it is likely to have a negative effect on your health, to spoil your relationships with others and to limit your life experiences and ability to achieve happiness. Here is a guide which asks if you have any of the following symptoms of excessive unhealthy anger?

[LIST][*]A pattern of repeating the same angry words or deeds in particular situations.[*]An inclination to shout at people or to use violent words.[*]A tendency to brood or fantasise about angry scenes with people.[*]An inability to deal with difficult situations without becoming angry.[*]A temptation or recourse to violence, possibly resulting in trouble with the law.[*]A reliance on getting angry to make you feel better.[*]Substituting getting angry about a problem for solving or learning to live with that problem.[*]Anger-linked health problems such as hypertension or digestive trouble.[*]Being recognised as an angry person and so teased, appeased or feared by others.[*]Having a strong prejudice against strangers because of their race, gender, etc.[*]Avoiding situations because you fear your temper.[/LIST]


مصادر و المراجع :
معهد الامارات التعليمي www.uae.ii5ii.com
وكبيديا الموسوعة الحرة


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