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إذا تريدون قصص أنجليزية قصيرة تعالوا هنا للصف السادس 2024.

(The Gorilla)

Brain a kid he is three years old, he lives with his mother in Rome in Italy, once they decided to go to the zoo at the weekend, when they arrive there Brain wanted to see the gorillas so he ran to them and he climb the fence and he falls 18 feet, he is on the ground and he doesn’t move, Brain is with the gorillas now, and the seven gorillas walk to him.
One of the gorillas was a mother her name is binti, and she has her baby on her back, binti picks up Brain, she carried him to a door and she stands at the door, she holds Brain and she pats him, binti is a good mother, then a man comes to the door , binti gave Brain to the man, Brain goes to the hospital , his arm was broken, but he was ok, Brains mother was happy , she thanked the gorilla binti for carrying Brain out

(A smart mother)

Once there was a young girl her name was Tasha, she has six puppies, Tasha lives with Gray, and they live in California.
It was raining there, it was raining hard, the water full the streets, and the water is in the houses and it comes in to gray and Tasha’s house, so gray started running to his car with his clothes, he runs with his books, then he took the TV to his car .
Oh no! Tasha and her puppies! They are in the yard, gray runs to the yard, the water is two feet deep, and he was looking for Tasha, where she is? Oh no she is swimming there, and where are the puppies? Oh there they are in the food bowl, it is Tasha’s food bowl, and she is pushing the bowl with her nose, because the water covers all over her body only her face, then gray threw a pole for her and she was trying to catch it but it was difficult for her because of the big hard waves of water, so the water took her away from the place of the pole, Tasha was trying to protect the puppies from falling in the water, then she saw a broken tree swimming in the water, so she swam to the broken tree and she climb it and she put the food bowl with puppies on it, gray ran fast to her place and he threw another pole to her, she caught the pole and gray pulled her to a safe place, and she was happy for surviving her six puppies.
So the puppies got a smart brave mother

(The Neighbors)

Jack and Ann are married, they live in New York, they are not happy together, because they are different in every thing, like Jack smokes, Ann don’t like smoking, Jack like watch football on TV, Ann don’t like football, and Ann likes loud music, Jack doesn’t like loud music, and Jack snores at night so Ann cant sleep and that’s $$$$ering her.

One day Ann looks at the house next door it is for sale, so Ann buys the house and moves in it, now Ann lives in the house next Jack .
Now Jack can watch football on TV and smokes and snores at night.
And Ann can listen to loud music, and she can sleep well, now Jack and Ann are married and happy

أتمنى أنها عجبتكم أتمنى أنكم أستفاديتم منها خليجية

ويييييييين الردوووووووووووووووود الله يسامحكم

الصراحة قصص مفيدة للأطفال منها للاستماع و تحسين القراءة اكتساب مهارات يديدة ف الانقلش و انا عني شخصيا طبعتها لخواني الصغار يستفيدون منهن..

مشكورة اختي ع القصص لا خلا و لا عدم من المشاركات المفيدة


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