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تقرير الانجليزي للصف الحادي عشر 2024.

اريـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــد خليجية تقــــــــــريـــــــر عــــــــن



هذا هو التقرير
لا تنس الدعاء لي بالرحمة والمغفرة والتوفيق

Introduction :
Of course there is a close relationship between the community and become drug addicts, among them members of the community because of the lack of abuser and the ideal role model .. In the absence of the role of a watchdog on the behavior of the young man who falls in the clutches of drugs in their various forms .. Authenticates the illusion figure addict that he lives in a strange world is not the pressure.
Addiction is the work or material from which the addict feels the urge and continue to be compelling performance of this work, or the use of such material at any price.
Article narcotic (drug)
Are all the raw material or product contains substances sedative or stimulant, which, if used in non-medical or industrial to achieve effects and negative consequences, and lead the individual into a state of dependence, harm him physically, psychologically and socially.
And dependence is the following:
Pattern in the maladaptation to use drugs, as it leads to a marked deterioration, which leads to three or more of the following:
1) the need for a significant increase of the drug to reach the desired vulnerability.
2) physical and psychological symptoms appear when you stop using the drug.
3) take the drug gradually larger amounts and longer than it was at the beginning of a person familiar with the deal.
4) There is an urgent and lasting desire to use, offset by failed attempts to quit or control in the abuse of the drug.
Who is the addict? And what is characterized by the addict
1) person in the community is balanced – not clear – and is stable.
2) self-centered focus on the same without the slightest interest in the welfare of others, not only interested in his own problems by.
3) the main problem is to maintain a stable resource to get the drug, or instant gratification of desire for the drug, followed by any means whatever the seriousness of that desire to satisfy the urgent and severe.
4) lacks the autonomous system and the ability of the will and ambition, does not have to have self-confidence, and faith in his personality, and lack of ability to take responsibility.
5) the degree of readiness of the pain of all kinds is very high, and can not take criticism and possible frustration.
6) failure in the development of human relations and natural resources – personal relationships tend to be limited only to other members in the world of drug addicts, and so on, the addict becomes a social outcast, and living in the unit hard.
Causes of addiction
There are many reasons to pay rights to enter into addiction, which calls the distinction between these drug abusers according to their grades, the characters, and these Itsnf to:
Drug abusers with the characters before the patient addiction
Such as people who are exposed to health conditions requiring the use of drugs, particularly morphine used as an anesthetic for the pain of severe disease such as cancer – surgery – fractures – burns …. etc.
The problem occurs after the patient attaches the drug inadvertently or desire.
Drug abusers with figures troubled by addiction: These are the characters:
1. Personal self (Alsikobathip):
A human personality who only loves himself and hates society, and has a diagonally and criminal behavior, as long as it serves his own purposes, do not feel any guilt in Isaouath of society, is not afraid nor ashamed, hostile, corrupt, drug dealer … etc.
2. Avoidant personality:
Is the human personality sensitive, shy, who isolates himself from others, nor the strength to face them, not to express himself and his views, disturbed if he is forced to deal with people, resort to the materials which will guide the tension and remove the shy, the more forced by circumstances to meet the others, then repeat to drug use driven by the development of addiction.
3. Personal tense anxious:
Human personality is impulsive passive concern fearful, do not sit back, exhausting himself and who is around him for no reason, is unable to adapt to society, recourse to the material that removes the tension, and provide him with calm and relaxation.
4. Personal depression:
The human personality which tends to grief and seclusion, and there he wished to enjoy life, does not trust in himself, does not have hope for the present or future, dominated by frustration and depression for days, and resort to substances that cause him to recovery, joy and pleasure provisional … And frequency of use that led addiction.
5. Personal immature:
A human personality that arises quickly, react to the slightest reason, inflate events simple narrow horizon, and then calm down and apologize, and remorse after he repeats back the same method, and this behavior is unique to him … Resort to re-narcotic substances to control the emotions.
Drug abusers who are willing to abuse and addiction by one or more of the following factors
Featuring characters ready availability of this category in their personality due to the following factors::
1 – environmental factors:
Although there was no relationship between addiction and the social or economic, but it was noted recently that the number of addicts from the middle class or privileged class of drug addicts is increasing, as was also noted that addicts Egyptians from the poorer classes continues to grow … Manual work such as people working low-wage, especially those who live in crowded areas.
These factors, combined, work to push the person towards addiction, thinking they alleviate their suffering, and also observed a lower age addict in the process of bringing the age of boyhood, which helped, and there is paralysis between the boys and young men at the beginning of the experience of abuse.
2 – family factors:
If the parents or one of a kind of drug addict, and also a mother authoritarian father is absent, may cause the lack of human example, and self-centered, and indulgence in the minor because of the quality of family leadership.
3 – the problems of children which makes them more vulnerable to abuse in old age: in, inter alia, the problems represented by:
A – health problems early.
B – behavioral problems of autistic children and aggressive and shy … etc..
T – the problem of concentration on the self as a principle in life according to what he had learned of the family.
W – the problem of self-confidence as a result of parents shed.
C – rebellion against parents or shed is authoritarian in the family.
In fact, the first practical step for the treatment of addiction is admitting to itself and to those close to him that he is addicted. In fact, consider this step of the hardest things an addict. Valmdinm deny his addiction, and denies and says that he is capable of stopping the abuse when he wants it, especially in the early stages of addiction. The reason for this is due to many things but the most important lies in the community itself, which the community finds addict a pariah and a criminal and decadent. The addict knows this very well so it is undeniable that the person addicted does not make the community even seen this perception of inferiority. The solution lies in our hands, a change our view of the addict.
I ask the latter to the people, all people to change their outlook for the addict is not the offender but are victims of these drugs, it has robbed him of his mind and paralyzed thinking is urgently needed today and we stand with him until it passes ordeal strong proud of himself. But if you continue our perspective on what it is now even a recovered and healed, and saw how people view him with scorn and hate and fear him and stay away for this reason it is due to the strong addiction.
If you ask me how I doubt the patient time Assaib
Careful to not see my depression returned Vicmt me or blame Habib
Addictive, Muhammad Ali, Unity House, Damascus 1999
Addiction treatment, Bashar al-Mahmoud, Dar Al Karama, Damascus 2000

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