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تقرير عن أسباب الضوضاء للصف العاشر 2024.

  • بواسطة

السلام علكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

هذي أول مشاركة لي
وأنا أبي اطلب منكم طلب أبا أسباب الضوضاء وأضراها والحلول لتقليل منها

واذا كان في فيديو عن الضوضاء فياليت تحطونة
بليز ردوا على تري على البحث 30 درجة بليز ردوا على الله يخليكم

الملفات المرفقة


Increased noise levels in recent times; due to an increase of new projects, and increasing the indiscriminate commercial activities, and some wrong behaviors that occur in our society, such as the use of horns, and raising the voices of speakers.

• the main causes of noise:

There are many causes of noise, namely:
First: noise and transportation and roads:

Transportation is a major source of noise, and are divided into:
1 – noise of vehicles:
Produces noise of vehicles on the following:
• drive the vehicle.
• Alchukman (exhaust pipe).
• horn.
• audio cooling fan Fund, transmission gears and brakes.
• friction tires on the roads.
2 – railway noise.
3 – Aircraft Noise.

Second: The noise of construction and buildings:

The noise of buildings and construction of the disturbing noise sources, especially the work of excavation, cement mixers, and the movement of cranes, paving roads, and welding, but they are noise
Non-permanent in specific areas; where it ends Pantha building works.

Third: The noise of commercial activities and human resources:

The noise generated from commercial activities and human resources, like the presence of shops down the real estate of all types and activities of the causes of noise are difficult to control; therefore you must move the markets and commercial activities from residential areas.

Fourth: noise amplifiers and celebrations:

Make the noise from the use of loudspeakers in the celebrations and weddings in the open spaces, and the use of headphones with high-capacity voice in wedding halls and nightclubs, in addition to the use of amplifiers in the funerals, and the street vendors.

Fifth: noise industrial facilities:

Factory noise affecting the external environment as the residential areas have encroached on the industrial zones, which led to the citizens affected by noise from factories.

VI: noise cooling systems and central air conditioners:

As a result of the absence of noise code for buildings, and the absence of sound design for the positions of adaptations and central air conditioning systems, installed in inappropriate places, leading to increased noise resulting from them, and increasing citizen complaints.
• the health effects of noise:

The main negative effects of noise in the following:
* Feeling upset and nervous tension.
* Sleep disturbances.
* Impact on the psychological and mental.
* Impact on productive capacity.
* Lack of concentration and absorption.
* Negative impact on hearing.

• How do we combat environmental noise?

The safest and shortest way to combat the environmental noise is through the correct behavior of citizens as follows:

 introduction of the environmental dimension of youths came to have in schools and universities.
 taken not to raise the voice of television, radio, cassette into account the neighbors.
 reduce the voices of cassette and headphones in the stores.
 prevent the use of loudspeakers I have street vendors.
 Do not use external speakers in the celebrations and weddings.
 Replace the microphones inside the schools Headphone internal.
 rationalization of drivers in the use of horns.
 Do not use Alsarenp air in vehicles and the use of horns on highways only when necessary.
 Alsarenp rationalization in the use of private vehicles, police and ambulance.
 vehicle maintenance to reduce noise from the engine and Alchukman.

• teachings of the religions in the reduction of noise:

Are not contrary to the behavior of society for the wrong noise with good taste and sense of responsibility, but it is contrary to the teachings of all religions and humanitarian principles, has denounced the Holy Quran Karim raise the voice; where
The Almighty says: (and I mean in thy bearing and subdue thy voice from the harshest of all voices to the voice of donkeys)

• the efforts of the Ministry of Environment to reduce noise:

Aware of the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs, the seriousness of noise on human health, the Egyptian, the ministry has prepared a national plan to reduce the noise pollution caused by noise, which include:

First: the preparation of a national program to combat noise and reduce the sources, implemented during the next six years, involving in addition to the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs and Ministries: Interior, Tourism, Awqaf, planning and local development, health and population, civil aviation, trade and industry, transport, housing and utilities and Urban Development, and Education.

According to this program, the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs to:
1 – Review and modify the criteria and maximum noise levels contained in the Regulations for Environmental Law, and set criteria and limits to the noise of vehicles and highways.
2 – the implementation of an information campaign in cooperation with the media to raise awareness of environmental noise control.
3 – To participate with the police of the environment in the implementation of campaigns to inspect the noise sources of fixed and mobile.
4 – Establishment of monitoring network for environmental noise, and the preparation of a map of the environmental noise, and a database of noise levels; for use when establishing new facilities, and to correct the current situation.
5 – supply of relevant ministries and authorities of monitoring results and the values of noise levels; for use in the establishment of any national projects, such as: highways, bridges, hospitals, schools, and residential areas.
6 – Training of specialists in the field of noise to the ministries concerned in accordance with the requirements set forth for the ministry.

Second: To intensify joint campaigns of the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Interior; to achieve the discipline to control environmental noise sources, including:
A – intensification of campaigns with the police in controlling environmental noise stationary sources (commercial areas – industrial areas – cafes – halls – music cassette shops – schools).
B – to intensify campaigns with the traffic police and police facilities and equipment security directorates in control of mobile sources (vehicles and means of transport – loudspeakers – Railway – Metro – floating the river).

Third: The periodic inspection of facilities, and measure the noise levels inside and outside the facilities, through all branches of the device, and a database of the results of these measurements and published on the website of the Ministry.

IV: Implementation of information campaigns to raise environmental awareness among the Egyptian citizen with respect to participation in the reduction of noise and Alatharalmip resulting therefrom; where the preparation of information materials (brochures and posters) to raise awareness of the dangers of noise, were distributed during the celebrations of World Environment Day in June 2024, where he was Distribution:

A – The number of 95 thousand poster + number of 24 thousand folded.
B – 5 thousands of a poster, and the number of 6 thousand folded on a large scale in all governorates of the Republic.

Fifth: the preparation of specifications for the Egyptian and audio photonics, noise and audio means, with the Egyptian Authority for the safety and quality; where it is the obligation to apply the standards contained therein; to ensure a reduction in noise levels from various sources.

Sixth: The Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs to:

* Provide overall management of the police environment and bodies of water with measuring the level of noise; convenience to control the noise sources of different, and intensify inspection campaigns (tourist facilities and floating the river, and banquet halls and weddings …. etc.), as a training program on how to use devices and methods of measuring noise levels and analysis of the results in the police department of the environment for workers on these devices.

* Increase the number of measuring devices the level of noise in the EEAA and the subsidiaries has also been training for all workers in the field of noise in the device and the sections on how to use measuring equipment, noise level and methods of measurement and analysis of results; in preparation for intensified inspection campaigns on noise sources different according to the plan to combat noise.

* Supply of the General Administration of environmental inspections with measurement noise level, as management training for all inspectors on how to use the devices and methods of measuring the level of noise and analysis of results; for facilitating Palmainat and measurements of noise during the inspection on the various establishments

والسموحه تم تغير العنوان



الملفات المرفقة

مشكورة وما قصرتي والله أنج أنقذتيني

الملفات المرفقة

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بوربوينت عن الضجيج ..



وأهلا وسهلا فيج بينا ..

الملفات المرفقة

مشكورة اختي

الملفات المرفقة



الملفات المرفقة

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