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لــوسمحــتوووآآ Exposition عن الصــدقــة ســآآآعدونـــي!! الصف الحادي عشر 2024.

ممكنك ممكن اكسبوزشن عن الصدقة

بس ضروري اليوووووووووووووووووووووم

الي حصلته تقرير عن الصدقه


Praise be to Allah, prayers and peace be upon our beloved Muhammad peace and blessings be on him and his family and companions and followed a gift to the Judgement Day, thank God, who commanded us in his book to charity, and called us and urged us to them, he said:
(Those who spend their money in the way of Allah, and follow not up their gifts with us or harm them their reward with their Lord, nor fear, nor shall they grieve) [al-Baqarah 2
Blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad, who commanded us to charity and urged us to them, he said: ": believe it before you believe; incredible man Dinarh, incredible man Darhamh, believe a man of righteousness, be ratified by a date, of the rite, do not belittle a bit of charity, even if hard Tamra "Narrated by Muslim.

What is charity?

Charity is the maintenance that required by the pay and calling enforcement and nafil
However, the use of custom in Islam was the wording in the imposition of Zakat, and nafil word charity.
Meaning of a charity called: this is taken from the truthfulness of the equality of the act to say, and belief.

Charity extinguish the anger of the LORD, as water extinguishes fire, Islam encourages us to charity and make her ethics and conditions
He says: (Those who spend their money in the way of Allah, and follow not up their gifts with us or harm them their reward with their Lord, no fear, nor shall they grieve) [al-Baqarah 2

The Almighty said: (Who will lend Allah a goodly loan so he has a generous wage)

So how do we give if what Ntsedkh Nkarzh loan for the rich and loyal and improved
How could that possibly promising, Sinmiha and raised by us even become exponentially
Agency of the Gospel!!

The rule of charity

From Abu Musa that the Prophet peace be upon him said: (Every Muslim charity said: What if he did not find? He said: going on his hands Vinf himself and give charity said: What if he could not? He said: The prophet said: It was said to him: What if he could not? He said: the prophet said: "What do you think? If he did not said: refrain from evil is also charity)
In the correct (Abu Dhar said: I said: O Messenger of God, to work better? He said: faith in God and Jihad in the process said: I said: any necks better? He said: When people themselves and the most expensive, said: "I said: If I have not said: Sets the manufacturers and are manufactured to clumsy said: I said: O Messenger of Allaah, what weakened for some action? He said: a trap for people to stop it charity you yourself)

In this hadeeth that it is obligatory on every Muslim charity and make it five mattresses on the allowance:
The first charity, his wealth did not find the money gained will benefit from the incredible. And the evidence should be earning; if he can not or ceases to needy physically if he can not do How have the evil. Valoulian located either money or Bmugod Bmaxob dwell in the bodies and the others are either hand or tongue.
In Saheeh Muslim from Abu Dhar that the Prophet peace be upon him said: (it is every phalanx of any one of you charity All praise charity every tahmeedah charity and all the reward of charity every bone in charity and enjoining what is good charity, and forbidding what is evil, charity and given each Erkaahma forenoon) In This hadeeth is that the four words to make charity. The commands and prohibitions, are sufficient Rkaata forenoon.

The types of charity:

A good word *
* Type of man his brother, the thing
* Soup of water and water his
* Removing something harmful from the road
* Spending on the Podium, a family
* Each loan is a charity, the course of the loan being split charity
* Spent on horses in the way of Allah
Q: What is he fed his wife, as he fed his son’s
* Handed over to those who received
* Althlilp, takbeer, Althamidp, Alzbehp, enjoining what is good, forbidding what is evil
* Etienne desire halaal
* Smiles in the face of his Muslim brother
* Instruct men in the land of delusion if a man lost on the road deities
Q: What is fed servant, as he fed the same
* Strip of the bucket in a bucket of his brother
* Hospitality over three days
* The prophet of a subsidy
* Refrain from evil
* Say: ask forgiveness of God
* Guide the blind, deaf and mute their voices even understands,

The virtues and benefits of charity

First: they erase the sin, and go fire.
Second: it extinguishes the wrath of God Almighty.
Third: it is the prevention of fire.
Fourthly: The Motassadeq in the light of charity on the Day of Resurrection.
Fifthly: in charity, medicine for physical illnesses.
Sixth: the cure for heart disease.
Seventh: that God paid charity types of the scourge.
Eighth: that a person but the fact that many mainland charity.
IX: the balance will pray for him every day other than the King Grasper.
Tenth: that the charity bless him in his wealth.
Atheist ten: it does not stay for the money from his wealth but what it to him.
XII: that God doubles the reward for Motassadeq.

To work on charity

Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: (which caused the dead from his work after his death: knowledge which he learned and disseminated, a righteous son whom he left, or copy of the Koran that he leaves a legacy, or a house for the wayfarer builders, or a river conducted by, or directed by a charity of his money in the health and life caused after his death) Narrated by Ibn Majah.

* Put a box on the door of the house and be dedicated to charity so that it contributes to children from

Msrovhm daily, so get used to children from an early age as well as contribute to charity where all of the

It comes from the guests and relatives and friends
* Send envelope containing a letter with all the meanings of love and appreciation for the addressee and remember God’s money in a good manner and close to the same.

* Contribute to the education of Quran, memorization and support associations
* Contribute to advocacy and education of people about their religion on my own, or Mali
Distribution of books and publications for Muslims and non-Muslims
* Participation in the Internet
* Contribute to the well-drilling
* Contribute to the building of mosques
* Contribute to the building of schools and Islamic centers

Guarantee that the charity change your life for the better

Proof of the validity of faith: he said peace be upon him "… charity is a proof"
Why in the healing of diseases: said peace be upon him, "Treat your patients by giving charity"
Remain the owner of Judgement Day: said peace be upon him "every man in a charity even separating the people"
Blew out the anger of the LORD: He said peace be upon him "charity Password blew out the anger of the Lord"
The love of God Almighty: and he said peace be upon him, "I like to work, God making a Muslim happy,
Or revealed by hardship, or paying his debt, or expel him from hunger, while walking with my brother in need is dearer to me than i’tikaaf in this mosque a month …. "
Righteousness and piety: God said "I will not attain righteousness until you spend of what you love ye spend, Allah knoweth it well"
You open the gates of mercy: He said peace be upon him "Alrahmon mercy of God, mercy mercy on earth in heaven"
Comes to you and reward you in your grave: he said peace be upon him: "When the son of Adam dies, his only three ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous son who calls him"
Toviha lack of Zakah: The hadeeth of Tameem Al-Dari is brought may Allah be pleased with him said: "The first thing brought to account by the Day of Resurrection Prayer; If completed, I wrote him a full, although he was not complemented by the Almighty God to His angels: Are Available to voluntarily compete in generosity by Abdi to lose from the obligatory prayers? then Zakat like that, then the rest of the business accordingly, "
Turn off your sins and expiate your sins: He said peace be upon him, "Fasting, charity blew out the sin as water Extinguish Fire"
Taki wrestler bad: he said peace be upon him "pious creatures known wrestler bad"
It is pure self-defense, fueled by: God said "Take charity from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it"

And other virtues:
He said peace be upon him: ((O women running Nurses Give charity and forgiveness, I Roitkn more people of the Fire)), "The woman asked (ie, the same mind and opinion.): What is to us, O Messenger of Allaah, the people of Hell? He said: ((Tkthern curse and are ungrateful to intimate partner))
And said peace be upon him: "What lack of money from the charity"
And said peace be upon him: "Fear the Fire, even half a date"

Had to charity, one of these virtues would have been incumbent upon us that we give, let alone all these virtues of charity, even if all dollars only, do not belittle any known nothing. So I have the pay and pay for yourself scourge.
We give to others and urge the virtues of this great charity collected in the charity, not lose Venndm Day whereon neither wealth nor sons.



إن شاء الله يفيد


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