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براجراف عن meeting a famous person للصف السادس 2024.

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خليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجية السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
أريد براجراف عن meeting a famous person
أرجوكم لوبوا طلبي و لو سمحتوا


السموحه لم إجد

إن شاء الله غيري يساعد


meeting a famous person

السموحه يالغاليه ,, كيف يعني مقابله شخص مشهور ؟

وضحي أكثر وفالج طيب 🙂

أكتب أنك أنت قابلت شخص مشهور معنى هذا البراجراف أنفهمت ولا لا إمتحاناتي تبدأ يوم الاحد

السلام عليكم ,, كتبت هالبرقراف مدري اذا قصدج جذا ولا

In my life I had a chance to meet a very famous person who has a lot of achievements in his life. This person is Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid. I was very happy to talk with him and discussing how he did those achievements. All that was happened in our school when he visited us. He told me at the first that he is very proud of his religion, his country and his nation. In addition, he see that this experience in the United Arab Emirates is just an example of what good things could be happen if the leader of the country is trying to achieve the behalf of the community not for the behalf of special group. In other words, he always advice to look at the whole picture, see everything is important in the country. Turning to me I pick up the optimism and the great ambition of him. I’m really proud that we have a great person like him in our country. I hope a strong generation has those features that Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid has.

بالتوفيق 🙂

مشكوورىة على الرجراف و كان جميل جداً
عندي سؤال و هو كيف أغير أسمي في المنتدى

رؤية ما قصرت

والسموحه تم تغير العنوان ليتناسب مع فحوى الموضوع

وبخصوص تغير الأسم ضع طلبك في قسم الشكاوي ..


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