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تقرير انجليزي عن just Imagine للصف السادس 2024.

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السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

لو سمحتو بغيت تقرير انجليزي عن .. just Imagine
ضروووري اليووووم ..^^

اترياكم ..

لقيت هاذا أتمنى أنه يساعدج
تحياتي لج:شيوخ المطاريش..^^

The imagination of cognitive processes or high-end, which are unique to human beings from the rest of the other terms of this ability derives from the power of dreams and goals and it is imagination and creativity of each human-made inventions and achievements.

The imagination is the following:

1 – your ability to visualize objects and visualization tools visible in your imagination.

2 – to recover the mental process different sensory images and events of the past life and to include and the formation of images, drawings and new events.

3 – the ability of human vision and the formation of mental images and symbols of the subjects, objects and felt after the disappearance of the external exciting.

The ancient philosophers have pointed to the importance of imagination:

1 – went to Plato’s imagination that is a function of the mind and body.

2 – As Aristotle emphasized that the imagination is a movement arising from a sense of effectiveness and that dynamic.

3 – Al-Razi also explained that the imagination is what we think and infer the thing thing.

4 – The Ibn Sina was divided powers when perceived rights to the five powers, namely:

A – power fantasy.

B – phantom power.

C – force Notepad (in humans) or imagined (in animals).

D – force the clipboard.

E – the force of memory.

Ibn Sina was able to put forward the following model (strong duality excellent reception – Conservation through the power associated with imaginary) on the inner senses in which:

(1) common sense receives images of sensations perceived external force while the picture, or imagination to save these images.

(2) and phantom power receives the meanings that the power of memory saved.

(3) The installation of imaginary power and the division of the perceived images and their meanings with each other.

It seems that Ibn Sina was seen activity on the power imagined that random activity and non-self-directed, and perhaps even unconsciously. To the extent that the effective force imagined by nature, do not seem to stop activity (work) and we find this function continues to be dreams when sleeping animal. Therefore in the case of consciousness, each of phantom power or authority to control the functions of the mind power imagined in the case of the last control (any reason) they do not act as a force but as an imaginary diary.

That is, while there is power imagined only one in any spirit of sense, whether animal or human, but that this force individual, in the case of the human spirit has two aspects or two different images depending on how you look at her in terms of the hand control means control of mind or force phantom.

In any case, the importance and usefulness of the imagination stems from several considerations are:

1 – The individual begins when imagination is not dependent on sensory Adrakath but it also depends on the use of symbols in the face of life situations.

2 – The imagination was an important part of the Arabs, especially in poetry and in their councils Vqld the imagination takes them away to the East and West of the world is sitting in their tents in the desert.

3 – care of Arab scholars and Western scientists imagination:

A – has explained, "Ibn Sina" What distinguishes the imagination is to re-image after an absence of sensory alerts.

B – The "Al-Farabi," he emphasized that the power of imagination reservation fees Mahsusat after an absence of sensory stimuli.

C – The "Hume" Any Hiam Hahahahahahah has pointed out that the imagination helps to create a picture of the topic does not exist in reality and as a way of feeling and thinking.

4 – Imagine learning the skills you already and you do what you want with skill acquisition, it raises the same muscles and nerves and brain cells in your body, so you can learn or improve any skills that you imagine yourself when you do likewise in reality.

5 – easily change the self and this is one of the greatest benefits of the imagination.

The scientists to important principles:

The first principle:

Before we do anything our mind should be a mental image of what to do Nbga (Example: Before going in the room imagine your mind where you are going already.)

The second principle:

That over time become the most spontaneous attitudes and behaviors according to the image that is set in our minds.

These principles explain to us the secret behind the failure of most people to change their bad habits, namely, the continuation of the image of the bad habit in his mind, MACC in accordance with this picture.
He who used to smoke there is a picture in his mind that he drank after a meal cigarette.

Which used to rage at the time of the disposal of a particular act every time the same behavior and anger, because there is a picture in his mind so as to bind.

Which we want to reach you can not change bad Slot until the first change is that in the unconscious imagination and continue to act in accordance with this mental picture.

You can use the power of imagination as a kind of mental wrestling to change the image of the reaction automatically unwanted reaction to a positive and desirable behavior.


If you suffer from depression, for example if you have increased pressure at work, you want to be happy and confident of yourself that you will finish all your work hours in the pressure, and more than imagine this new image until proven in the mind and fade away the old image.

بًٓآرگٓ الله فيج شيوخ المطاريش ..،

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
ما قصرت شيوخ..
يعطيها العافية

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