اسلام عليكم
بغيت حل
18 ..19
في الورك بوك
الله يخليكمـ .^^
للاسف اختي ما عندي
اي بحث او تقرير انا جاهز
اي بحث او تقرير انا جاهز
و انا بعد ابغيه ضرووووووووووووري
وانا بعد ابغيه لانه المس قالت لنا واجب نحله
تفضلي اختي
c,a,d,a,c,c, اجوبة صفحة 18
بالنسبة لصفحة 19 صراحة طويلة وعندي واجبات كثير
حبيت اساعدك عل الاقل بصفحة 18
يسلمو يعطيك العافيه بس ياريت حل صفحه 18
1- If Hani had enough time , he would go out for a walk
2- If Hamad intends to go on a picnic to Fujara, he will be sure about the weather
3-If he took his umbrella he would’nt get wet
4- If she answers the exam, she will get high grades
5- If Huda work very hard, she would pass the exam
6- If my father has money, he will buy a new car
7- If Hamad does’nt goes to school, he will not arrives late
8- If someone does’nt sends for a doctor, the boy will die
9- Unless you wake up late, you will not miss the first session
10- If is it not so late , Ijoin you to the party
هذا حل صــــــــــ 19
2- If Hamad intends to go on a picnic to Fujara, he will be sure about the weather
3-If he took his umbrella he would’nt get wet
4- If she answers the exam, she will get high grades
5- If Huda work very hard, she would pass the exam
6- If my father has money, he will buy a new car
7- If Hamad does’nt goes to school, he will not arrives late
8- If someone does’nt sends for a doctor, the boy will die
9- Unless you wake up late, you will not miss the first session
10- If is it not so late , Ijoin you to the party
هذا حل صــــــــــ 19
بس تأكدو منه يمكن فيه شويت اخطاء ونا ما دري وان شاء الله كون افدتكم بشي ^_^
مشكووووووووووووووووووووورينـ علىـ الحلـ
بس بدنا حل صفحة 19 الي بيعرف يكتب