تخطى إلى المحتوى

طلب حلــ وضروووري ابغي الرد للصف العاشر 2024.

مرحبا السااع

شحالكم ؟؟

ابغي حل الكتاب اللي مب ملوون صــ 23 ضرووووري ..

ؤؤينكم ابغي الرد ضروووري

للأسف حبوبه بعدنا ماحليناها

اهئ ااهئ أبغي ضروووري. .


your question : Did students have too mush home work

yes answer

name : sara
“We don’t have a time for home work "
name : fatma
“ I think they have because they will learn from their home work’
name : T.haleema

“ too much home work is required for some subjects to under stand but is distracting the student from learning other important subjects .
name : moza

The students don’t have time for home work , the study important than home work

no answer
name : amira

‘Because it we don’t have any home work we cant under stand the lesson’
name : hamda
‘Because is good for student “



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