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عرض بالبوربينت لتقارير الانجليزي InventionsTechnology الصف الثاني عشر

  • بواسطة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الصراحه انا ابا تقارير انجليزي

1-Inventions < الاختراعات
2-Agrlculturt< الرزراعه
3- Technology< التكنولوجيا
بس لو حد حط تقارير في هاي الثلاثه المواضيع بسير اسويهن عرض بالبوربينت وبرد بحطهن في المنتدى
وان شاء الله اليوم يلي ينحط المواضيع فيه في نفس اليوم بحط العرض بالبوربوينت

منتظر المشاركات
والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
انا عندي لك تقرير كامل عن التكنلوجيا واتفضل


Nowadays people cannot live with out technology, so we think it is very important to make life easy and more comfortable. It is also knowledge of using tools and machines. Technology is a term with origins in the Greek “technologia” – “techne”. However, astrict definition is elusive “technology”. Technology can refer to material objects of use to humanity but it an also encompass broder themes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques. Now we chose this topic because live is developing dramatically and we need technology in many aspects of life. We will talk about Definition of technology. The Nature of technology the characteristics of the technology Science and Technology…

Definition of technology:

Technology is the technical means people use to improve their surroundings environment. It is also knowledge of using tools and machines to do tasks efficiently.
The role and impact of technology in **** our personal and working lives is ever growing. Understanding how people shape technology and how technology shapes people’s interactions with each other and the natural world is important not only for those who research, develop and implement new technologies but also for all those people and organizations that have to use those technologies in their working and personal lives.

The Nature of technology:

The nature of technology has changed dramatically in the past hundred years. Indeed, the very idea of technology as we now conceive it is relatively new.
We use technology to control the world in which we live. Technology is people using knowledge, tools, and systems to make their lives easier and better
People use technology to improve their ability to do work. Through technology, people communicate better. Technology allows them to make more and better products.

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The characteristics of the technology:

1 . Information technology assets of an independent, objective and theories.
2. Technology applied science seeks to apply the knowledge.
3. Technology process affecting people’s lives.
4. The technology includes inputs, processes and formula.
5. Technology inclusive process for all special operations design, development and management.
6 . Technology dynamic process that is the case of Walt actor active conflict between the components.
7. Technologies advanced self always continue in my work at statements, and modification and improvement.

Science and Technology:

Often the terms, technology and science, are confused. Technology is said to be "applied science". This is not true. Science deals with the natural world. Technology is the study of the natural laws which govern the universe.
Science tells us that objects will fall to the earth (law of gravity). Science explains why only certain plants are found on the Mojave Desert (plant ecology). Science tells us that steel exposed to oxygen will rust (chemistry). Science tells us that cross-pollinating plants will produce predictable results (biology). Science tells us that oil is most likely found near certain rock formation (geology).
On the other hand, technology deals with the human-made world. It is the study of ways people develop and use technical means – tools and machines. It tells us how to control the natural and human-made world. It is the study of the ways people use these technical means to transport, manufacture, construct, and communicate.
This is not to say science and technology are unrelated. Science deals with "understanding" while technology deals with "doing". Science helps us know how to do something efficiently.

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We hope that our visit to bring suggestions and recommendations:
1. the development of innovative thinking in the study and analysis of the problem tires.
2. Give joy and comfort to the educational process Walt scientific each of the student and teacher; they are working in small working groups.
3. The prosecution and follow the rapid technological changes e, and its impact on the community, positively or negatively, Efforts to control it.
4. Dealing with technological devices and equipment, to regulate the performance with the maintenance and development.




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ابي العرض على البوربويت ……….. ممكن ؟


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