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مذكرة للإنجليزي unit3 – 4 / الفصل الثاني / للصف الثامن الصف الثامن 2024.

  • بواسطة

· Choose the correct answer from a, b,c or d:

1-My fathergets a job in a………………

a-manual b-company c-letter d-season

2-A lot ofpeople work in…………………..

a-finance b-rain c-dictionary d-lightning

3-My father’s friendworks in……………………

a-thunderstorm b-manufacturing c-shelf d- wind

5-My motheris a……………in a big company.

a-manager b-grass c-temperature d-forest

6-Abu-Dhabiis the…………of the UAE

a-storm b-country

c-mountain d-capital

7-Managersget better salaries than other……………..

a-seasons b-banks c-employees d-companies

8-Mostpeople in India work in…………..

a-agriculture b-receptionist c-tree d-wind

9-There aremany different………sectors such as retail, transport and finance.

a-forest b-employment c-accountant d-clerk

10-Manypeople like to work in the………….industry

a-leisure b-farm c-factory d-dictionary

Vocabulary Theme : 3

Choosethe word that best completes the sentences from a,b,c or d: ( 10M.)

1- Ali drives a tractor. He works in ……………..

a) finance b)retail c)agriculture d)leisure

2- My brother works for the National Bank. He’s ………..

a) an electrician b) an accountant c) a farmer d)a doctor

3- Mr.Ali has built our villa. He works in ………….

a) finance b)transport c)retail d)construction

4-Her mother works in a ……………. .She is a nurse.

a) farm b)bank c) hospital d) shop

5- Our ……….. has prepared a very tasty lunch.

a) driver b) cook c) builder d) plumber

6- A lot of people work in ………….. for example, banking.

a) farming b) retail c) transport d) finance

7- You should get more ……….. to get a good job.

a) papers b) books c)qualifications d) markers

8- Most companies don’t have ………… with low qualifications.

a) managers b) singers c)actors d)cleaners

9- She will put letters in ………….. and print out thee-mails.

a) sectors b) files c) jobs d)skills

10- He works as a ………….. in a hotel. He sits near the front door.

a) teacher b) receptionist c) manager d)pilot

11- You shouldn’t’ leave school. You should go to further ……..

a) exams b) information c) shelves d) education

12- He works in a supermarket. He works in ……….

a)transport b)retail c) leisure d)farming

13- I went to the ………. To buy milk, cheese and apples

a) class b) club c) supermarket d) school

14- I work as a clerk in a …………… office.

a) leisure b)government c) bank d)retail

15- ………..like doctors and lawyers earn a lot of money.

a)manual workers b) boys c)professionals d) students.

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