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موضوع عن القيادة الامنه Drive Saftly للصف التاسع 2024.

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ابي موضوع عن القيادة الامنة ارجووووووووووووووووووووووووووووكم بسرعة خليجيةخليجية

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
تفضل اخوي طلبك..

Definition of Traffic Safety
The traffic safety in the broadest sense designed to adoption of all plans and programs, traffic regulations and preventive bricks Oomena to reduce traffic accidents in order to ensure human safety and property and to preserve the security of the country and its Constitution the human and economic.
– Elements of traffic safety
The focus of traffic safety is in three components:
Vehicle, the road, the human element

First, the vehicle

Means of safety in the vehicle are:

Tires, in terms of size, quality, durability, speed rate, production year and storage space

Lamps, in terms of clarity, color and lighting level

Optical signals in the vehicle or turn the function on the alarm

Mirrors to detect the way for drivers

Areas of rain

Brakes and brake stand and that control the movement of the vehicle

Closing doors

Warning signals and optical audio (dashboard) as an indicator of fuel, oil, heat, and the speedometer and battery electric

Safety belt

Head restraints

Child seats

The airbag

Safety means that you should be in the vehicle:

The calf up and jaw and installation tools


First-aid kit

Systems closed doors in the case of the coup

Brush fire resistant

Reflective triangle

Given the importance of maintenance of the vehicle has taken the initiative of our government to take preventive action to ensure maintenance of the vehicle and prevent the occurrence of traffic accidents due to poor or lack of maintenance of the vehicle has SBLC periodic inspection of vehicles, which aims at the following:

Improve the quality of vehicle maintenance

Reduce traffic accidents

Extend the life of the vehicle the default

Maintain the integrity of the overall environment

Maintain the security and safety of road users from the driver and passenger and pedestrian

Detect faults in principle to drivers before they escalate

Second: the way

Means of safety on the road:

Given the importance of road traffic in the process of our government has sought to establish networks of roads and construction of high level and quality in various parts of the country

Engineering design and planning of the road

Lighting the way

The validity of the way and the extent of traffic safety by removing natural obstacles Kaloterbh and quicksand

Traffic management tools, optical Kalacharat on the road and signs and warning, informational and Almudallalat ground

In order to maintain the roads outside the cities and within the construction of the weight of a load trucks and scattered among the cities and governorates of the Kingdom

Thirdly: the driver (human element)

Since the driver is the active ingredient and the engine of the process of traffic must be available in several qualities of a good driver

The mind

The safety of the senses

Knowledge of traffic rules and regulations and observance of

Focus while driving

Sense Palmsalah

Bmacainaike knowledge of the vehicle and maintenance on an ongoing basis

Means the driver’s safety

The use of safety belt

The presence of head restraints

Means of special glasses, medical and first aid bag and air bag

Methods and rules of safe driving

1 – Duties of the driver before the vehicle is operated, including:

Take a look around the vehicle and check tires and road condition
Close the doors tightly

Make sure the seat and steering wheel for you

Link seat belt you are and you

Make sure the mirrors

Note dashboard indicators of the level of fuel and heat

2 – the vehicle is operated

3 – start to move in accordance with safe driving, according to the instructions and traffic regulations for specific rules of the road

4 – to stand, by following the following:

See through the mirror to reveal the way
Give the signal to stand

Ease the pressure on gasoline Daash

Pressure on the brake gradually until Daash stand car

After pulling the hand brake stand

5 – signs and traffic signals

Warning signs, organizational and media

Lists, and barriers and gates

Marks and horizontal ground becomes red like ointment, fees and Alrsfih (ceramic)

Optical signals

Traffic control devices in work zones and Aloqmah Kallohat vertical direction and barrels and stock holders and illuminated banner signs and barricades and tubular


الملفات المرفقة

ما قصرتي اختي الرمش ..

الملفات المرفقة

مشكووووووووووووووووووووووور وايد اخوي

الملفات المرفقة

مشكووووووووووووووووووووووورة وايد ما قصرتي

الملفات المرفقة

هلا وغلا

الملفات المرفقة

<P>هلا وغلا ممكن بوربوينت بسرعه اخر يوم تسليمة باكر بللللللللللللليز</P>

الملفات المرفقة

هلا وغلا باكر اخر يوم تسليم بوربوينت عن polic officerخليجية

الملفات المرفقة

يبتلكم بوربوينت عن الشرطه والسموحه على القصووور

الملفات المرفقة

هذا طويل بس اممممممممممممممممم مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووورررررررررررررررر رررررره

الملفات المرفقة

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