تخطى إلى المحتوى

موضوع مهم للصف العاشر 2024.


السلام عليكم

شحالكم ؟


بغيت منكم مسااعده في البورت فوليوز

تحطون اي شي عشان نستفيد منه نحن والباقي


مشكورين مقدما

ارجو التفااااااااااااااااااااااااعل ويانا

انا بعد ابغي

يلاااا نبا مساعدات منكم

My opinion on the curricuum and to learn more:

is watching a lot of tv bad for you?

* Yes,Because it would lead to low vision and loss of time on things that are not important.And i think too much of anything is bad for you.

* No,Because we will benefit from useful programs.And we will learn new information we did not know.And it will increase the culture of our minds.

the vision

A leading generation
A stimulating
A unique administration
A creative teacher
An effective society

the Mission

My nama………..تكتبين اسمج

تكتبين اسم مدرستج

I am in grade 10 .I have many goals in my life.

The most significant one is to finish high

School adjoin the university . I am planning to.

Specialize in the faculty

. help I would like to be a

I like this job so much because it is very useful .

I am sure I will achieve my ambition. I believe that

Hard work and persistence are the key for success in life .

Picture Countey/continent pIace
Russia(Asia) Lake Baikal
Libya (Africe) AL Aziziyah

Venezuele(South America) Angel Falls

ثااااااااااااااانكس غلايوووووووووو

العفو يا غلا

واذا بغيتي شي قوليلي اذا اقدر احطلج


ابا اي شي يخص البورت فوليوز

اذا عندج طرشي على الخاص او هني في المنتدى



اترك تعليقاً

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