We hear in our life a lot of strange things . Some of these things we can believe it . And there are many of them we can’t imagin that it really happened . desbite this we see evidence of occurrence in the past .
What questions would you like to answer ?
Before I read about the great pyramid . I had some information about it . For example I know that the pyramid was built by the pharaohs and that the pyramids were representing their culture . These what I know about the supject . But I want to learn more like why they build it ?, When did they build it ? , To whom they built it ?, How did they build it ?, What they used to build the pyramid and I want to learn some of thear beliefs .
Where would you get more information about the supject ?
I think that there are many soures of information I can use it like the internet, The history books and the school book . But I think I will find what I want all of the information in the internet because the famous pyramids . Everyone was interesting in studing the pyramids all over the world though the eges.
Who might you ask for help ?
All people know the pyramid and they have some information about it . This is not surprising because it is part of the ancient Arab civilization.But there are people who have a lot of information about the pyramids because they studied it during their work. So when I need to ask someone I will ask my teachers ,My brothers , My mother and my father.
Finally we must learn more about our past because our past is part of our identity. And remember who never know his past will not have a future .
ان شاء الله تستفيدوون
بالتوفيق للجميع
في المرفقااااااات
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)
الله يوفقك ويوفق الجميع ..~
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)
في ميزااااااااااااااان حسناتكــــــــ ياربيهـ ^^وربي يعطيييييييييييييييييييييكـ الف عافيهـ ^^…
ونرقب الزوووووووووووووووووود من صوبكـ ^^ربي لاهانكـ ^^تقبل مروري: خويتكـ الجرح الأليم ^^…
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)
يزاك الله خير
يعطيك العافية
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)
العفووو ؛ الشكر لله
امين يا رب
الله يعاافيج
يسلموووووو ع الرد الحلوووووووووووووووووه
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)
شكرا لمجهودك..
والسموحة تم وضع المحتوى في الموضوع نفسه..
موفق يارب..
ونتمنى ترد لتفاعلك ونشاطك السابق..^^
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)
- the great of pyramid.docx (11.9 كيلوبايت, 452 مشاهدات)