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نماذج امتحانات انجليزي الصف السادس للصف السادس 2024.

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تفضلوووو في المرفقات

ملاحظة: امتحان باجرخليجية

English Sample Exam 6

There once was a poor fisherman called Abdulla. One day Abdulla went out to sea. He threw his net over the side of the boat, then he looked into his net. He found an old bottle in his fishing net and could not open it. When he got back to land the top came off and a giant genie appeared. A giant genie stood next to Abdullah. “I am going to eat you,” he roared, his voice as loud as thunder. “You don’t have to eat me, I have some rice in the boat if you are hungry,” shouted Abdullah “Hungry!” yelled the genie. “Of course I am hungry. My last meal was three thousand years ago! Now get ready to die!” “But tell me – why do you have to eat me and not the rice?” asked Abdulla. The genie looked at him and said, “I will tell you my story first, then I will eat you. Long ago, the great Sultan put me in prison. My room in the prison had very high walls. One day I turned myself into a cloud and floated out of the prison through a window. The sultan caught me again, so he put me in a room without windows. I turned myself into a stream of water and slipped under the gap in the door and ran down into the street. The Sultan caught me again. This time he put shut me up inside that bottle and threw it into the sea. I sank down to the bottom of the sea. I said to myself, if I can get out of this bottle, I will eat up whoever I see. Now I am free, and I am going to eat you first.” The genie lifted his sword out of his belt – they were both laughing. Abdullah looked up at the genie and said, “I’ve never heard such a silly story. How can a big genie like you get in a little bottle like that?” “Stand back and I’ll show you!” shouted the angry genie. The genie turned into a black cloud. The cloud went into the bottle with a noise like the wind. Abdulla quickly put the top back on the bottle. Abdullah threw the bottle to the bottom of the sea. So remember, if you ever find a bottle in the sea, don’t open it! A1. What is the title of the story? [1 mark]
A. Keith Gaines
B. The Genie
C. The Giant
D. Don’t Open the Bottle

A2. What was Abdulla’s job? [1 mark]

A. Sailor
B. Farmer
C. Pearl-diver
D. Fisherman

A3. What did Abdulla find in his net? [1 mark]

A. Plants, mud, glass bottle
B. Plants, fish, mud
C. Glass bottle, fish, plants
D. Fish, sharks, glass bottle

A4. What did the genie wear in his belt? [1 mark]

A. rice
B. a sword
C. smoke
D. a bottle

A5. Where did the Sultan imprison the giant the second time he caught him? [1 mark]
A. In a fishing net
B. In a room in a high tower with no windows
C. In a bottle in the sea
D. At the bottom of the sea

يتبع في المرفق

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
تسلم عالنماذج
يزاك الله خير
موفقين في امتحان باجر

الملفات المرفقة

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

مشكور على النماذج ويزاك الله خير

بس ابا الحل …….

الملفات المرفقة

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