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ورقة عمل فصل دراسي الثاني صف الخامس للصف الخامس 2024.

ورقة عمل فصل دراسي الثاني صف الخامس اوراق العمل الفصل الامتحان الانكليزي الامارات

Name———————————- Class:——————–
1- Reading Comprehension
Read the following passage , then answer the questions :


*1200 years ago, people didn’t have electricity. They used candles and oil lamps for light. They washed their clothes by hands. They cooked over fires. They traveled by horses. Our grandfathers lived in tents. They ate fish, meat and drank camel milk. Nowadays, life became easier, people travel by cars and planes. We have electric machines which do everything very fast. I’m happy that I didn’t live in the past before electricity.

A- Answer the questions :

1-Did people have electricity 1200 years ago?

2-What did people use for light before electricity?

3-Where did our grandfathers live ?

4-How did people travel 1200 years ago ?

5-How did people wash clothes before electricity ?

************************************************** ***************** B- Tick ( ) or ( ) :

1- Life was easier 1200 years ago ( ).

2- People used washing machines before electricity ( ).

3- Nowadays , people travel by cars and planes ( ).

4- Our grandfathers lived in tents ( ).

5- Our grandfathers ate beef burgers and pizza ( ).



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مشكورة وايد روعه هذا القطعة الانجليزية وين باقي الاسئلة

مشكورة وااايد

مشكورة حبيبتي بس احنا ف الدرس اللي عقبة

ممتازة جدا نفعتني وايد يا أختي الغالية على العموم مشكورة جدا

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