تخطى إلى المحتوى

2 امتحان للصف السابع 2024.

  • بواسطة

Class: ————- Vocabulary
*Choose the correct word to complete the sentences:-

1) I am a lawyer at Greenhill——————-
a)court b)bank c)factory d)hospital
2) Fatima works in a bank. She is ——————-.
a)a doctor b)an accountant c)an engineer d) a teacher
3) Do you ———–a job?
a)paint b)plant c)want d)play
4) What does your mother do? She is ————–.
a)colour b)job c)sun d)snow
5) What is this ————?It is green.
a)colour b)job c)sun d)snow
6) There are ___________in the sky.
a)shops b)clouds c)cold d)sun
7) The grass is _________.
a) blue b)orange c)green d)red
8) These _________ are called the Alps.
a)rain b)island c)colours d)mountains
9) The UAE is a great __________.
a)country b)village c)town d)city
10) The opposite of "east " is ___________.
a)north b)west c)south d)right

*Classify the following:-

Cold-hotel-doctor-hot-office-snowy-accountant-teacher-school 1)

Jobs Weather Place of work

s book-the Internet ’2) mountain-computer-island-lake-student

Learning aids Nature

*Complete the following sentences:-

1) The teacher asked me to _________my name.
a-right b-wrong c-write d-answer
2) There are seven days in a______________.
a-week b-weak c-year d-month
3) December is the __________ month of the year.
a-first b-last c-second d-third
4) The lawyer works in the ___________.
a-hotel b-hospital c-factory d-court
5) What does your father do? He is __________.
a-working b-teacher c-reading d-at home 6) The _____________ is blue and cloudy.

a-sky b-snow c-cloud d-grass
7) The sun is ___________.
a-red b-cyan c-magenta d-yellow
8) Abu Dhabi is a clean ____________.
a-country b-city c-village d-lake
9) China is _____________ of Asia.
a-west b-south c- east d-north
10) Students have to ___________ from the teacher.
a-use b-test c-hear d-listen

*Write the correct word in the right place:-

An office-a hospital-an engineer-a receptionist-a bank

Place of work Job
A doctor
An accountant
A hotel
A secretary
A factory

Class: ———– Grammar
* Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1)———-is a student.
a) We b) You c) She d) They
2) He ————.
a)Spain b)Spanish c)Spines d)Spanish
3)———-your book, please.
a) You open b) To open c) Open d) Opens
4) Classes begin——–26th August.
a) on b)at c)in d)of
5) The lesson——–at 5:00.
a) end b)ending c)is end d)ends
6) I work——— Greenhill Hotel.
a) by b)in c)at d)on
7) She is———Paris.
a) come form b)comes from c)comes d)from
8) There——– mountain in the picture.
a)is a b)is c)are d)are a
9) I can——— a bird.
a)sees b)see c)to see d)seeing
10) London is———the River Thames.
a) from b)at c)with d)on
11) There is———–in China called Yangtze.
a) a river very long b)very a river long
c) very long river d)a very long river
12) Blue and yellow ink makes——–.
a) green b)orange c)purple d)brown
13) Look! The——–is in the sky.
a) mountain b)sand c)sun d)snow
14) A lawyer works in a———.
a) hospital b)school c)shop d)court
15) January is the——–month of the year.
a) one b)first c)second d)last
16) Desk, Students, Teacher and Table are———.
a)nouns b)pronouns c)verbs c)adjective
17) What do you———–?
a) do b)work c)doing d)working
18) They are———–_.
a) doctor b)doctors c)a doctor d)the doctor
19) Where——–work?
a)you do b)you did c)do you d)you doing
20) Do you ———a job?
a) wants b)wanting c)wanted d)want
21)———-you a teacher?
a) Are b) Am c) Is d) Has
22) I can———a small cloud.
a)to see b)see c)saw d)seen
23) There———sand.
a) are b)have c)is d)has
24) Classes begin——–1st October.
a) to b)at c)in d)on
25) There———clouds in the sky.
a) are b)is c)was d)am
26) Where does———-live?
a)they b)she c)you d)we
27) Are there———mountains in your country?
a) a b)some c)any d)an
28) In the west———the country, there is a lake.
a) in b)on c)from d)of
29) London is not———the cost.
a) on b)in c)at d)of
30) The Po is a river———Italy.
a) on b)in c)at d)of
31) There aren’t——- rivers in Saudi Arabia.
a) a b)some c)any d)an

Class: ————-
*Reed the following seen passage, and then answer the questions:-

The color ink cartridge of a printer has three colours, They are red, blue and yellow. Red, blue and yellow are the primary colours of ink. Two primary colours make a secondary colour. For example, red and yellow make orange. The other secondary colours are green and violet. We can make black with red, yellow and blue. The monitor can make red light, green light or blue light. Red, blue and green are the primary colours of light. Red and green make yellow. The other secondary colours are magenta and cyan. We can make white light with red, green and blue.

*Complete the following table:-

Secondary colours of ink Primary colours of light
………………………………………….. …………

………………………………………….. …………

………………………………………….. ………….. ………………………………………….. …….

………………………………………….. …….

………………………………………….. …….

Right or wrong ? Tick ( / ) or cross (x):-*

1) There are five primary colours of ink. ( )
2) The primary colours make a secondary colour. ( )

*Complete the following sentences:-

1) _____________ light make yellow.
a-Red and blue b-Blue and green
c-Red and green d-White and green

2) We can make black with red ____________.
a-yellow and blue b-black and green
c-blue and green d-white and yellow

* Write a paragraph about "The UAE":-_________________________________

المصدر :: جوجل __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _.

ربي يسوفقج تسلمين

شكرا لج

شكرا جزيلا

اسفة عدلت على الموضوع

وشكرا يا الذهبية



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