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برجراف عن وقت الفراغ leisure time للصف السابع 2024.

ممكن برجراف عن وقت الفراغ leisure time

خليجيةلو سمحتوووووووووووووخليجية

Topic expression of free time special

Free time of two types:

Time spent in obedience to God … and the time spent in sin …

Spent in the first of Saad and profit ….. and spent in the second disappointed and lost …

Beats the heart of one saying to him;; Life minutes and seconds

Raise your yourself to death before mentioned;; puberty to man age a second


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..
ما قصرتي ذكرى..
تحبين الخير ومساعدة الغير..

تفضلي اخت سبأ

free time

It is an important topic to write about . Since, time is our lives .sometimes, we find ourselves laying on a sofa infront of the TV ,hour after hour goes uselessly. If we keep doing this at freetimes,our lives will become fruitless .Our lives are very preciouse. Therefore, we must learn how to spend free times correctly.

There are many useful things to do in free times. For example, we can take care of our health by doing some exercises .Also, by reading good books and using internet,we will increase our knowledge. We can visit a sick persone to amuses him_ her.

In fact, free time is a treasurefrom our lord that we should thank Him for. Last advice, exploit free time and enjoy your life

منقول , موفقة

شكرا رموشة ع الكلام الحلووو

تستاهلي كل خير

انــا عنـــدي

. Every one of us has a free time and he should think how he can spend it
. According to me i like doing many things in it . firstly i like to do many sport activities
I walk for an hour every day . in my leisure time I like reading short stories . at evening i like watching TV with my family because it’s a fun time … this is my leisure time what about you

جزأكي الله خير الرمش الذبوحي وbest girl ever ووذكرى لا تنسى خليجية


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