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pragraph about dily life للصف الثامن 2024.

  • بواسطة

My daily life is a things I do it every day .I usually get up at 7:00 o’clock. I brush my teeth and I wash my face . Then I wear my uniform and after that I eat breakfast. Later I go to school. I do many activities in school like do sport, drawing in art and sing in music .I have a lot of subjects like Math, Arabic , English and History. We have two break in my school . In first break I eat in it and in second break we go to pray . At 2:15 I go to home . After that I eat my lunch . Then I do my home work at 5:00 o’clock . I eat my dinner at 9:00 o’clock and I sleep at 10:30 . This is my rotten for every day and my daily life is boring because I do it every day. So I want to change it. .

تسلمين خيتوو ع المجهود الطيب
الف شكر لج
دمتي بود

تمـــ التقيمـــ…!

تسلم عالمرور الغاوي و الترتوووب

❤ ҰěѕłâмǿǾǿ ❤

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