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قصه وتلخيص بالانجليزي للصف العاشر 2024.

  • بواسطة

الــسلام عليكم والرحمه ..خليجية
اشحال الكل ؟
مممـ اول مره احط موضوع وللأسف انه طلب خليجية بس ان شاءالله بساعدكم لو تبون شي ..

المهم ..

لو ماعليكم أمر بغيت { قصه وتلخيصا باالانجليزي =)

يمكن الطلب صعب شوي بس الي يروم يساعدني

وع العموم مشكورين وما اتقصرون خليجية

مرحبا وأهلا وسهلا فيج بينا ..

جاري البحث

+ تم تعديل العنوان ليتناسب مع فحوى الموضوع …

بس خبرينا عن شو القصه ؟

تبين قصه قصيره بس .. مثل

The Eye

Once upoun a time, their was two young sisters playing with Fireworks.
By mistake one of them throw it to her sister and it affected her eyes, she went to the hospital with her parents and they told her that she will be blind for the rest of her life unless she changes her eyes with another persons eye.

In the beginning, she felt so bad because she couldn’t see anything and her life was returned from a world with colors to nothing only black but with the passage of time she used to live with that feeling.

After fiften years, the blind girl decided to change her eyes to a new one from a dead person to see again. So she went to the hospital and did the appropriate measures and she did the surjury which was successfully worked and she was so happy to see again.
What she wasn’t know that the new eyes was for a women who was seeing spirits of dead people and she can dream about what will happen in the future.

The blind girl didn’t know this information and when she started to see these things she thought that she was hallucinating or this new reaction because of her new eyes. She tried to tell her friends about what she saws but unfortunatly no one believes her, then when she knew the information of the owners eye she began to help the people who see’s them in her dreams.

One day when she was helping a group of people in the middle of explosions, a small glasses entured her eyes and returned her blind again.


أو أنج تبين قصه ومترجمه ..

مثل ..




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