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(: للصف الحادي عشر 2024.

لو سمحتو أبا أي تقرير عن أي شيء بس عدل ت=حتى لو مالكم بلييييييييييييييييز خليجية خليجية

دا تقرير صغير عن الاصدقاء

ممكن يعجبك

بس محتاج شويه تعديل


Friendship is a kind of a relation ship between tow people or more. It makes between them a strong connection or a communication, so that each one care about the others. Also in friendship each one feel in his heart that all people around him as brothers and sisters to him and also it born a feeling of loves between the people witch they call them selves a friend . For all people and I mean the kindly people not the evil which all people try to be for away from them. we cant introduce the friendship in few words or bages , because it need a book to hange it and we will just write the main idea about it , because it means a big things and nobody know it just the real friend know it in their feeling and cant write about it ..

The real friend is the one who have a real feeling of love for his friend. He help them when they need for him , care about them , give them advices about there life or their style of living , try to show them what’s wrongs and what write especially if he knows about the life more than them and the he sow him standing beside him all the time when he need they .

Unfortunately there are so many peoples call them selfs a friend. They were with you all the time, but you can’t know if they are real friends or not. You can’t see the difference between the tow types of the friends in your manual day when you need them just to spend some times with you talking and playing around.
The days will show you the truth. Especially when you drop down in problems some days .You are going to see your real friends standing beside you trying to help as much as they can by giving advices , try to make your problems something easy to solve and they may help you by giving you a money if you need for it . They will make you not a friend of facing your problems. You will see also some peoples which you know them before and you called them your friends running far from you as they didn’t know you and didn’t give any type of helps for you. Some times they just keep watching you and lnghing in front of your face.
Some peoples will keep trying and trying to make any kind of a relations ship with you we can say to the deth. Especially if you are their boss at the work or something like that. Maybe they want something from you, so the came to you under the name of the friendship to own you heart and your recpect for them and even it they don’t you know at all they will keep trying. You will see that most at work from your employees trying to have some thing good from you like giving them good degrees and write about them better reports. Unless they got what they want they will say a good bye for you and you may not hear anything about them in the coming day.
The most sad thing is the world is losing the friends because of the difficulty tow find them and have the good of them, and the true friend.
Nowaday so many peoples talk about what they think about the friendship. They are saying that now there is no friendship, because people now knowing each other just are some thing to have, then the relationship become from the past. They keep cutting to communication between their friends. With some peoples the friendships is some thing to keep talking and writing unreal stories about it , They may write some times , but I feel some times they are wrong from my experience in my life . I have some friend maybe not more than the numbers of your fingers in your one had, but at least you can call them real friends.

At the end and from what we ever say before. Friendship is a big thing and means so much for peoples. Nobody can live without friend’s charing him his life. They become a part of our life and nobody can just dissappear this important part from his life. They are something make you live your life better , happy and gives you a kind of feeling that you are safe all the time , because they are beside you all time especially when you need they .
In my opinion that is write what so many people saying of the difficulty of finding a real and good friend , but I’m sure about it is that not impossible . There are so many real friends. They may live around us and so near as , but want one to find it or to dicovered them it we can say .
My advice for people is not to lose the chance of having one or toe real friends and to keep trying as much as possible to find them. Every body has to try his best to make a real relationship with any big number of people as much as he can , and try to give them any thing they want of course if he can so that when he need for any thing the will not even think about saying no .
Finally I hope that people stop talking and thinking about the impossibility of finding real friend and try from them self to be a real one.

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