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تقرير جاهز عن smarter cats مدارس الامارات 2024.

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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

شفت تقرير بالعربي عن ذكاء القطط وحولته بالأنجليزي عشان تستفيدون منه ..

Intelligence of cats is a significant amount of learning ability and thinking skills and problem solving, and reasoning and the ability to adapt. Since cats are predators, need to think and make plans to catch teamwork

Cat brains


The brains of the cat in the average length of 5 cm and weighs about 30 grams. Since the cat in the average length of about 60 cm and weighs 3.3 kilograms, the brains of the cat is 1 / 12 of the length of the total and about 1 / 110 of weight *****alent to .9% of total weight (in the human *****alent of 2% of the total weight). However, there can be conclusive evidence related to intelligence weight of the brain.

The ability to learn in cats

Cats learn through trial and error – note – the simulation. This is supported by a strong memory. Studies of modern confirm that cats have the ability to retrieve memory for a period of not less than 16 hours (In dogs, no more than 5 minutes). If we talk about the cache memory (Working memory), the studies have found that cats compete with monkeys

Intelligence according to the different types of cats

The station Animal Planet on its classification of types of cats in terms of average intelligence to 10 levels, where the first level at least intelligent and level the tenth most intelligent (known as the Station Intelligence quantum-General of the ingenuity and resourcefulness shown by a specific type of cats is of course a general definition and impractical and can not be reliable and that the site did not indicate how the measurement and the number of cats being tested and the site for its part did not claim it’s scientific results, therefore, publish on this subject with a lot of reservation)
For example, most people believed that whenever a cat active and interactive as the more intelligent a Malis true There is still no yardstick to measure intelligence, however Valoti classification is the site Animal Planet just for fun only, but I repeat that it is not scientific and not based on the basis of recognized

Levels 1-2-3
Exotic Shorthair

Level 4

Levels 5-6
American Shorthair

Level 7
American Curl
American Wirehair
British Shorthair
Cornish Rex
Maine Coon
Scottish Fold

To the level of 8
Devon Rex
Egyptian Mau
Japanese Bobtail
Norwegian Forest Cat
Russian Blue
Turkish Angora
Turkish Van

Level 9
Colorpoint Shorthair
Havana Brown
Oriental Shorthair

Level 10

Signs of intelligent cats

Wink of an eye
Wink of an eye in cats is common which may be a sign of confidence or attachment or love. If your cat can imitate the movement Gmzk eyes may represent is a measure of intelligence is rare presence in other animals, they can become acquainted with the members (the eye in this case) in a different kind of creatures about whom you own as a member in spite of different anatomical

Open the doors and windows
Cats that used to be allowed to emerge out of the house may learn to open doors and windows may also learn different paths also for the exit and entry from home may also learn to open cupboards for food (for example, I remember Qttna old was opening the doors of the rooms alone and without being known to one that and that by jumping on the knob)

Open the tap
Some cats prefer to drink clean water directly from the tap and learn through observation of human beings and the manner of opening the tap (of course, the types of modern taps – Crusher -) and then after attempts and error may learn how to open

Retrieval of objects from places difficult to access
Valqt who plays hate and go the ball under the couch you find trying different ways by switching between his hands and the conditions of his body, as it has rights in the same position and method of trial and error that can be done in the laboratory by the so-called funds Thorndike (which is about boxes representing the maze and gas from several levels must be going through a cat can go out and have devised the world Edward Thorndike and named after him, a scientist in animal behavior and learning process)

One funds Thorndike


The result is that the cat has passed the test by trial and error has also been used memory in attempts to reduce trial and error in the later stages when there is the same puzzle
Cats also find their way to high places through the upgrade the number of things to get .. also found trying to open the cans and may Tndja by moving the cover

Use Atawailit

Because Hasthe strong smell once training kittens to the litter box use, but may look for the Fund also so that you find. And cats can be trained to use Atawailit some of them learn it alone or be trained on by educators and kittens may learn to use Atawailit If the mother is trained to used

And the idea of training a cat on the subject of Atawailit de discovered that he is too old because it is one player jazz musician, wrote about his program to teach a cat to use Atawailit in the sixties

To bring things after delivery
Some cats have been successfully trained to sit, even throwing an object is being conducted and attended to its owner just as dogs do (but I think it depends on the mood of the cat at that time to end large)

بالتوفيق ..

وع’ـليكمـٍ آلسلـآمـٍ وآلرح’ـمهـٍ .,.

مآتقصريينـً آخ’ـتي .. !*

تسلمييينـً 🙂


الله يسلمج

ربي يوفقكم ..

هلَآٍ .,

شح’ـَآلهمْ آلعَربَ عسآهمْ بخَير ( دوْمزِ *~
يزآكمْ آلله ألف خيَر وبآرك الله فيكمَ وصآنكسَ ع هيكْ موضوعِ .,~

اللهَ يحفَظكم ويوَفجكمْ

ويبارك فيج


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