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The Difference Between Cats and Dogs – الامارات 2024.

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The Difference Between Cats and Dogs

Cats and dogs are clearly unique creatures, yet as the two most common house pets comparisons often arise. There are good reasons why cats and dogs have such distinctive personalities and behaviors. Likely the biggest difference between cats and dogs is their social patterns and interactions. Dogs being pack animals, the members of their pack or family are critical to them. They look for a leader, and may try to take the leadership role if they don’t perceive that another member of their pack is the leader. If a person does not take the leadership role, dogs often experience behavior problems. This is quite different than the way cats interact. Cats are not pack animals, and don’t look for a human leader to follow. While they are more independent than dogs, they aren’t solitary animals as some perceive them. However, the relationships they form are based more on behavior, treatment, and territorial and survival concerns. A cat that is treated badly will rarely stick around, where a dog that is treated badly will often return as they are connected to those people regardless of their treatment. In the wild cats do form groups, but this is influenced by whether there is enough food to hunt, and if they are willing to accept another cat into their territory. Cats hunt independently and don’t share their food as dogs do. Consequently, the basic ways dogs and cats interact with people and other animals are fundamentally different.

Another difference that stems from the different ways that dogs and cats hunt is their physical make up. As solitary hunters cats are physically quite remarkable and unique. From the smallest housecat to their wild big cat cousins they are physically suited as exceptional hunters. Their eyes pick up even the slightest movement and they have excellent night time vision. However, details of an object or its color may not be that clear. Their hearing and sense of smell are also acute and perfectly suited for a hunter. Finally, what makes a cat so unique is their physical capabilities. Most any cat owner can recall exceptional physical feats performed by their cat, whether it was in pursuit of a cat toy or after becoming spooked by a loud noise or other animal. Cats have extraordinary flexibility, and excellent running and jumping capabilities that is unmatched by other animals.

As group hunters dogs are physically different than cats. While physically adept, dogs are best suited for finding prey. One of the most remarkable canine skills is its tracking ability. This can be seen in many working dogs that use their tracking abilities for search and rescue, or to detect particular substances such as illegal drugs or explosives. This shows XXXX a remarkable nose and an ability to be trained, along with a desire to please. Typically dogs have exceptional hearing too. Dogs have also been bred by people to have particular traits. Therefore some breeds are particularly good at picking up a scent, others are suited to hunt and retrieve, others are particularly fast runners, and unfortunately some dogs have been bred to fight making them much more aggressive than the average dog, conversely many dogs are bred mainly to be pets which usually leads to a good even tempered dog. While cats are bred too, it isn’t to the same extent as dogs and cats aren’t typically bred for a particular ability like dogs are, consequently it hasn’t affected the specie quite in the same way as dogs. There can be quite a range in personality and demeanor for XXXX cats and dogs, but each has basics elements that are unique to their own specie.


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The Difference Between Cats and Dogs

Why is it so difficult to train a cat to COME or SIT – a behavior which dogs learn with ease? Your dog learns this in 5 minutes but it could take you 5 weeks or more to do the same with your cat. Nevertheless, cats learn to use a litter tray with almost no training, but for a small dog to do the same takes more persistence than most owners can invest.

The reason for such differences is that what’s important to dogs is not the same as it is for cats. For a start, dogs are group animals and cats are not.

Dogs are social, gregarious creatures and are most XXXXXXX in a pack situation.
For pet dogs, the most important pack members are usually their owners and
owners who provide proper leadership for their dogs are usually viewed as pack
leaders. This is the reason why dogs left alone during their owners’ working
hours commonly develop separation anxieties even to the extent that, when
several dogs share the same household, one can still develop a severe
separation anxiety in its owner’s absence that is not solved by the presence of
its canine buddies.

What’s important, though, is that a dog’s attachment is to its group and much
less to its territory. For example, a dog taken to his or her owner’s work place to
be with its owners will be just as happy as when it is at home. By comparison, a
cat taken to its owner’s workplace is usually very fearful and anxious.

Why does this difference exist? Cats are not, generally, gregarious and do not
develop strong pack structures where leadership is an important function. Wild
or feral cats are mostly solitary creatures, hunting alone. While they will form
groups, this is more a sharing of a common territory than the establishment of a
cohesive pack. Cats are extremely territorial and, when fights over territory
occur, the result is that the loser learns to avoid that successor but not to leave
the territory. Leaving the territory only occurs if aggressive encounters continue.

So a cat’s attachment is to its territory, not to its group. How often have you
heard the turmoils of a cat owner attempting to establish his or her cat in a new
home which is in the same neighbourhood as the old home? Commonly, the cat
will return to the old home repeatedly.

So, dogs learn from observing and interacting with other pack members to which
they are bonded. For wild dogs, such as wolves, the interactions generate a
cohesive pack that hunts together successfully. Similarly, dogs learn by
interacting with, and being close to, their owners. Thus, when reward-based
therapies are utilized by owners for behaviors that group the pack, such as
COME (closer) and SIT (close to me), the dogs respond readily. It’s part of
their innate behavioral coding. For cats, that’s just not important.

Wolf cubs also learn what behaviours to avoid by the growls and snaps received
from higher-ranking pack members, so punishment can be effective as a training
tool, but rarely will punishment drive a wolf cub away from the pack. The lure of
group dynamics is just too strong. For this reason, a dog continually punished
by its owners shows appeasement behaviors where the dog is effectively
saying don’t hit me again. Sadly, most people assume this is a guilt response and the punishment continues.

There is another difference between cats and dogs. Cats live in a
three-dimensional world because they can jump and climb, whereas dogs exist
more in two dimensions. So the concept of flight or fight becomes important.

Cats climb to hunt and to escape. Dogs can’t do this well so hunting mostly
requires a pack to be effective. For the same reason, dogs use assertive forms
of aggression (fight) because flight is more difficult. By comparison, cats tend to
develop flight responses to harmful stimuli because they are agile enough to

What does all this mean?
1. To establish the correct pack environment at home, an owner should
provide his or her dog with proper leadership.
2. Cats are more attached to their territory than their group, so provision of a
secure and comfortable territory is more important to them. Food provided
3. Dogs learn readily when leaders do things that enhance attachment
(such as the COME command).
4. Dogs will learn from punishment but it confuses them.
5. Cats don’t learn from punishment – they avoid the source, for example
their owners.
6. Achieving behaviour change with cats is often a compromise. Find out
what the cat wants, provide it first and then try to progressively change
the established behaviour to fit your needs.

The difference between cats and dogs was summarized well by a caller to a
local radio station when he said, "My dog looks at all the things I provide for her & says, "You must be God. My cat looks at all the things I provide for him and
says, ˜I must be God."



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