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Ibn Battuta – the great traveller للصف التاسع 2024.

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يا ناس شحالكم علومكم و اخباركم …..الخ.

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~غلا الروح~

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,,

تفضلي اختي سيرة الرحالة ابن بطوطة,,

Ibn Battuta – the great traveller

"To the world of today the men of medieval Christendom already seem remote and unfamiliar. Their names and deeds are recorded in our history-books, their monuments still adorn our cities, but our kinship with them is a thing unreal, which costs an effort of imagination. How much more must this apply to the great Islamic civilization, that stood over against medieval Europe, menacing its existence and yet linked to it by a hundred ties that even war and fear could not sever. Its monuments too abide, for those who may have the fortunate to visit them, but its men and manners are to most of us utterly unknown, or dimly conceived in the romantic image of the Arabian Nights. Even for the specialist it is difficult to reconstruct their lives and see them as they were. Histories and biographies there are in quantity, but the historians for all their picturesque details, seldom show the ability to select the essential and to give their figures that touch of the intimate which makes them live again for the reader. It is in this faculty that Ibn Battuta excels."
Thus begins the book, "Ibn Battuta, Travels in Asia andAfrica 1325-1354" published by Routledge and Kegan Paul (1).

وهذي بعد,,

Ibn Battuta
Customers deemed Mohammed bin Abdullah, an Arab traveler was born in Tangier spent scouring the earth in 82 Herquaogharba Allaah in his travels a distance of no traveler in the Middle Ages (estimated at 120 thousand km) was his first pilgrimage got a view of Tangier (in 231) and went to North Africa and Egypt and Zarblad Levant and pilgrimage,
And then transported in Persia and Arab countries and visited East Africa and visited Asia Minor and the chopping and the lower Volga basin and entered Constantinople, and walked them to the east and Khoazem Bukhari and Turkey, Afghanistan and India, where he spent eight years in the service of Sultan of Delhi, sent by the Embassy of China to know how to the time (Mladif) and some Dzrahind East (Ondonisyawachin), and then returned to Tangier (1347), the later the first two trips to Andalusia (1350), and the other to the western Sudan (in 1352) returned to Persia (1354) sued so his death and I hope the description of his travels known as: (caught between headmasters and oddity Alomtaruajaib Alistar) has translated parts of the trip to many languages

Voyages of Ibn Battuta

Does not mention the name of travel literature, however, is to mind first is the name of Ibn Battuta, Abu Abdullah Ould Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Ibrahim Tnge in the city of Tangier on Monday, the seventeenth of the month of Rajab 703 AH in the twenty-fourth of February the year 1304 AD of the father people, and the Ibn Battuta, who is known by the name, the Ibn Battuta Maftora on the love of flight and the travel and curfew, started his journey in 725 AH and the meaning of Hajj in the second twenty-year-old, says. Hussein Munis: The Ibn Battuta was psychologically and physically prepared for the difficult demand that sought by the subsidy of Allaah be upon him, including Price Omtena wanted him, and his visitation of his trip that he was in everything, even little Alsade or who know him or the colic, which Eshkoh of Ophthalmology, Vesidna Astmtaa read We are updated with all of his wonderful useful, even talking about the disease and Oojall gives us a great interest is the idea of the medicines and methods of medication in the days, and reveals to us the fact that the greater the level of treatment was not low, as we think; people have been too many medical knowledge, and the medicines useful for simplicity, efficient, and this aspect of the great Islamic civilization, and you examples of Voyages of Ibn Battuta.

Out of the Tangier
Sheikh Obuabd God: was I left my home in Tangier, on the second Thursday of the month of Rajab, God Alferdaam five hundred and twenty-dependent pilgrimage to the Ka’ba and to visit the tomb of the Prophet, peace Ovdilasalap, Rafik Anas solo on him, and I should be installed in its entirety; to cause the affected Alinvscdid , and the yearning to these institutions is inherent in Alehiazem Shurayfah, Vdzmt Ahjralohbab to my female and male, and died a national Taiurellokor paradox, was to credit my parents for the life she had assumed Badahmaobba and was also of the separation were installed, and the Sunni Tntan and then twenty years.
Been able to Ibn, Abu Abdallah, told me the city of Granada to Tangier birth on Monday, the seventeenth Mnrajab individual and three hundred years.
We Medinpaldzair, being outside for days and we have submitted to Sheikh Abu Abdullah, the son of Judge Vtugenajmie Menbjp to Beech Mountain, and then come to the city of Bejaia.
The Prince of Bjaypiz that the father of Abdullah bin Syed Muhammad Brow people, who had died of traders from Tunisia Alvensahpthm Milyana Mohammed bin above the stone, leaving the three thousand dinars of gold, and recommended by the man known as the son of the people of Algeria Hdidp to take it to the heirs, ended Brhlapn by the people, the Vantzaaha from his hand, and this is the first thing I saw the injustice Almouhdinoullachm workers.
As we also reported Ilybjayp fever hit me, referring to Abu Abdallah al-Zubeidi residence where Anyeetmkn healing me, and I Vopet: serving God and death would be Faati road, the land of Hijaz Onacasd, he said to me: either to seek Dapetk determined and the weight of luggage and I Oairk Dabpokaba, and accompany us down slightly, we find Sir Arabs fear a raid on the way, I did Hmaooarni the promise of the good God has divided, and that was the first afternoon I Civilities God Vilk Alhijazip destination.
We were pleased to Onouselna Medinpksentinpvenslna outside, and there Osabnamatar were forced to depart from the Alokhbayp to the role of the night there, when Algdtleghana was the governor of the city, one of the honorable Diversions of the Learned, the so-called Abu Hassan, was considered to Thiabiokd contaminated rain Bgzlea ordered at his home, and the ritual which created Fbut Mkanhihrama Baalbugea, Osr Dinarin at one end of the gold, that was first opened in Bhali points.
Onouselna and deported to the city of Pune, and went inside, and then we have the days left of the Visahptna traders for the eclipse on the way, so devoid of the course, and continued by saying, and Osaptnielhmy, I was more myself turban over the saddle to fall because of fear of vulnerability, fear, and I can not Alenzulmn to that reached the city of Tunis, Fberz to meet her father, Sheikh Abdullah Al-Zubaidi, and to meet with Abu Abdullah Alinvzawi, Then some peace and some of the question, did not escape the Aliohd for not knowing them, I found that the self is not the lesson I have with the case, and some Achttbekaii felt Bhali pilgrims, Then on the peace and Alienas, and continues to Iwnsni Bhdithany entered the city, and I got them Ketbeyen school.
Ibn al-been able to: Tell me sheikhs Community Orate judge preachers Abu Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al-Barakaat peaceful, is Abnalhaj Albulviqi: it was like a story, he said: I meant from the city of Blc Alondassad the night of Eid-making serial novel modern term for Abdullah bin Abi Alkmad and Houdrtalmsaly with people, when he finished the prayer and sermon people accept each other in peace, and not on the Onavi recognized one meant to the Sheikh of the town and the people accept and Alibalslam Alienas said: The Mentbma you saw from the people, you do not recognize one, you knew the stranger, I loved Ienask , has divided God’s blessing. Then come to the city of Gabes, and Nznabdakhlha We have ten days to the cycle of the rains.
Then we Mnmedinp Gabès heading for Tripoli, and has accompanied us at some stage to about a hundred Faris, Ooizidon, and the people who threw up Vhapthm Arabs and Thamt place, and God Asmna of them, and Id al-Adha Ozlna in some of those stages, and in the fourth dimension and come to the city of Tripoli, Our mother by a period of , and I was held in Sfax, the daughter of some of Trustees of Tunis, Tripoli Tmkrjt Vbenit by the end of the month of Muharram Tripoli, from twenty-nine hundred and me and my family in Sahptijmaap of Almassamdp, has raised the flag, and made them, and has left behind in Tripoli Manalbrd fear, rain, and we passed Mslath Msrath and inadequate Sirte, and there are Arab communities wanted Aliiqaabna then Srvathm capacity, and prevented it from Ramoh Ovetna.
Tostunaalgabp then, the thought had been to the Palais Prusissa worshiper, the kiss of peace, we realized there Alrkbalven left Tripoli and signed between me and the defectors altercation necessitated a parting built, and married students Bntalbed Fez, and built the Palace Azaaavip and threw dinners feast days locked behind them, and Otamthm.
Access to Alexandria
Then we got in the first Oolgmady to guard the city of Alexandria, God, and the gaps Mahros Almonos and country, respect the inherent strange architecture, what you want to improve the immunization, and the exploits of the world and religion, and came Kremtemganeha sense and a combination of large and fine buildings, are unique Vigele Snaha, and reflected in the Virgin Hllagha, bright beauty of Morocco, the University of Muftrkamahasn mediating between the East and the West, all the beautiful Ajtlawha, and each has a wink Villehaanthawha Votunbwa people described, and classified in Ajaibha Vogrbwa, according to the supervisor of those Strh Abu Obeid routes in the book.
Said doors and port
Medinpalixanderip and four doors, Bab Sidra, and to proceed through Morocco, for Rashid, Pappalbhr, and the green door, and not only be opened on Friday to the Vijrj people visit the graves, and has a great marina matter, have not seen the like in the lower berths, but the anchorage was Kolmoukaliqot India claimed, a marina Bsradeg claimed the Turkish infidels, a marina of olive Bbladachin and will be mentioned.
According to Al-Manar
Al-Manar intended destination in northern England and I saw one of its aspects Mtahedma, described that, at square going into the air, and Babhmrtf on the ground, and at the door as far as building height, the two wood panels reflects Alihaily door, if not removed, for him, and within the subject of seating ManarTV guard, and within Almnarpiot many, and introduced inside the corridor Ochaabar nine, and ten Ochaabar display wall, display and point of the Al-Manar Menkl locked four hundred and forty Shabra, which is high on a hill and some distance between it and Pinalmedinp league and one in Bur rectangular, surrounded by sea on three sides Searpsor related to the country, can be achieved in the Al-Manar to the mainland, however, of the city, in this cemetery Albralmtsal Mounar Alexandria.
Al-Manar Andaudti and went to Morocco in the country’s seven hundred and fifty; found, were seized by the devastation, so he can not get to the door, and King Al-Nasser, may God have mercy on him had been initiated in the construction of Mnarmthelh Bizaih Fagah death execution.
Amir said his death Alabor
The Emir of Alapurbdr Hibshi Obeid Sultan, one of the heroes who hit their sayings, and does not Izaleguer against the infidels, killing himself and a single Lisbie so widely known for his expertise and Habh and unbelievers, was eating a huge long-Shah on the latest in the eating, and was informed that he was drinking about a pound Ncefmn ghee after food, usually to Habasha their country, and had a son in a patch on smth courage, it was agreed that once attacked a group of slaves in the village of Kfar, and he signed by the Persians in Mtmorpwagtma by the people of the village Vdharbh Baktarp one of them, and Alguetarp: Hdidp semi-tillage Idkhalalrgel hand rail where Vtkso arm, preferably the amount of hit and Zraain not keep Ptlcaldharbp dead, and killer Vngbawa Oubida more fighting on the village and killed men and women, Spoa Mavera removed and the Persians, and went to دهلي got the infidels, Vqatlhm even murder, and his companions returned Alffersily, Vdfoh to his family, his brother-in-law Frckb death by the infidels as well.
Then traveled Ilymedinp Kallior, reportedly also Kialer, a big city has its impregnable fortress at the top of the door image Hahqaly Phil Vial of stones, and over the power pole in the name of religion and the city Omirhzh functioning bin Ahmed Fadel Khan Ickramni been days where my Hzhambassrp before.
And entered by the Center Eomaoho wants a man from the infidels, I said to him: God, I do not do what I saw one Kotaiguetl Bmhoudri ordered his imprisonment, and that was the cause of salvation.
Mnmedinp Kallior then left to the city of Brno, a small town between the Muslims of the country’s emir Mohammed kuffaar Npirn Turkish origin, and predatory animals by the many, and some people told me that the seven had entered Ilihalyla and doors closed, Vifters people killed so many people, and they admire in Condjulh.
He told me Mamedaltoviri of her family, and was a neighbor to me, he entered his home at night and prey on boys from the Voukalsrir, and the other told me that he was with a group at the wedding of one of them got a need, Vaftersh Fajrjosahabh for the request, minus the market Fujdoh drink his blood has not been eating meat, and stated that Kzlkfl people.
Bednas it is amazing to me that to do so is not seven, but a human being of witches Almarovinpaljokip imagined in the form of seven, and when he was told that she denied, and he told me by a group of news and Nzkrbeda these witches.
Said the magic Aldjokip
They show them the wonders of the community, including: that one of them resides in the months do not drink, eat, and many of them digging under the ground and it is built, it leaves him only enter it into the air, and evaluated for months, and I heard that some of them also evaluate the year.
I saw a man Bmedinpmnjur Muslims who learn of them had filed a drum, and has Boallagha, Ioklola not drink five and twenty days, and left him well as I do not know how set up after me.
The people riding Ivkrononhm pill pills, eat them for days, months, or piece of information does not need to Tlcalmdp in food or drink, and tell the things absent, and the Sultan and Iezam Ijalshm Mnictsr them in the results for Bakl, including those who do not eat meat, they Aloktheron, and the apparent return of themselves Halhmonhm Sports There is no need to have in this world and its adornments, including consideration of Ilyalinsan it is his view of the dead, says the general: "If the killing of view of the construction of a Almitojd without heart, and say: eat his heart, and more as it is in women, and women Altifl Kvtar why it is called.
The story of a woman Kvtar
What occurred Majaapalazmy India claimed by drought, and the Sultan claimed Altlink been ordered to give Ohldelhi Iqutem calculate what a pound and a half of one per day; Fjmahm the minister and the deployment of Menhmaly poor princes and judges to take the feed, so I have a hundred of them the same, they Fmrt Sagaivvi Oskinthm and Darren, and I give them the expense of five days in five days. When he was in a woman Bedaloyam Otoni them, and said: It Kvtar has eaten the heart of the boy was dead Jannbhaootwa Babbi; Vomrthn to go to the Deputy Sultan, ordered the test, four Zlkpon Mlioa Jurat water and linked it with her hands and feet, and raised in the Ergun River, Vlmngrq, science Kvtar it, even if not Ttef water were not Kvtar, Bihrachabnar ordered, and brought the people of the country’s men and women result, ashes, and it is claimed by the evaporation of that year Omnvi Kvtar magic.
The story of the magic of Aldjokip
Sent to Alsultanyuma Balhoudrp I have entered it, in private and has some properties of the two men and they Hwlaoualdjokip Ilthvon Palmlahv, covering their heads; they Intvunha ash as Intphalnas Abathm, Vomrni to sit down and I sat, he said to them: This is Aziz’s long Voriihama did not see him, Faqala : Yes; Fterba Analord one and then rose up to become Vouknamitrava in Hana, Fjpt Odrickni illusion, and fell to the ground, the Sultan ordered that the Osagy Doaandh, Voafqat and I stayed, is the same Mterpa, he went on a Nala owner of _karp was with him, smite the land Kalmgtaz, and rose to senior Almterpa neck, and made the hit in the neck, and a little Hoenzl even sat with us, the Sultan said to me: The Almterpa is the sole student, Tmqal: for I am not afraid of your subordinates to come, which I saw the greatest, Vansrvat by Osabnielkhvqan, and is so sick Bcherbp Ozhpt me this about me.
Let us Knabsepelh what we say: we drove from the city of Brno to the house and then to the home of Emory Kjra Basin Azimtoulh with some miles, and the churches which had idols such as Muslims, in the middle of three red stones Qubapmn tobacco, three, four staff and four domes, and the lives of Hnalkjmap Aldjokip has appeared sense and for so long now in the height and reach them Cefrpaloloan of the sport, and many Muslims follow them to learn them, remember that Kantbh illness or disability of leprosy shelter them for a long time Phippro God.
The first thing I saw Hzhaltaivp Bmahlp Sultan Trmhirin King Turkestan, and were about fifty-Vhfr Gartan their land and the residents were not only coming out on an errand.
They have almost Alqrnidharbonh the first day and so on, after dark, and like all surprising, and the two men who Snallsultan GHiatholdin Aldamgani Sultan eat pills, crossing the country to strengthen the sexual intercourse, and was Okhalatha iron, do Vojbh, Vokl him more than the amount needed, and died, the son of his brother, Crown Nasereddin Vokrm Jockey and raise this amount.
Then traveled Ilymedinp Jndeire, a great city with a market populated by the Emir of the country’s warlords that Ezzedine Dinabanntani was named the greatest king, and was well worthy Ijals scholars, who Kanejalsh Zubairi Izz el-Deen al-Faqih and scholar of religion the world and a good graph, the proportion of Medinpbianp to the above-mentioned, the judge and jurist known as special judge, and have Shamseddine, and his deputy, are stored on the satellite, called religion, and his deputy, inter alia, of senior military .e.paltlinki brave, and the military was in his hands, and the greatest king does not appear only in Iumaljmap or otherwise rare.
Then we Mngenderi elevation to the city, a city Almalop greater employment of the country, and planting wheat Kthir_khasossa, and take this city to دهلي betel leaf, and between four and Ashronewma, and on the road between the two pillars inscribed with the number of miles between each two columns, Vimaorad traveler to know the number of What went on the day, and remained a home or to a destination Almedinpalte inscription, which read in columns Varafh, the city granted to the elevation of the people of Sheikh Ibrahimalve Vebp time.
Today Optdialqrap Vochtm after the morning prayer at sunset, and renew the ablution and I start reading the second Vochtmalchtmp at sunset, and also Remove the period of three months, and Atkvt the forty days.

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