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In Our School, How Can We Help Reduce Global Warmin? للصف الثامن 2024.

In Our School, How Can We Help Reduce Global Warmin?

لو سمحتوو ابا موضووع عن كيفيه التقليل من الاحتبااس الحرااري في المدراس بالانجليزي..

هااي اسئله للمسااعدة ^^

what will happen if we don`t reduce global warmin?

ماذا سيحدث اذا لم يتقلل الاحتباس الحراري؟

what have other schools in the world been doing?

ماذا فعلت بعض المدراس في العالم لتقليل من الاحتباس الحراري؟

what are some examples?

ما هي بعض الأمثلة على ذلك؟

what are some things we could do in our school?

ما هي بعض الأشياء التي يمكن أن نقوم به في مدرستنا؟

what things would be very easy?

ما هي الأمور ستكون سهلة للغاية؟

what things might be harder to do?

ما قد يكون من أصعب الأمور أن تفعل؟

لو سمحتوو اباااه في اسرع وقت ممكن ..

global warmig is a huge problem that we need coopration from all of as to face it . As we are students so there must be a lot of thing that we can do . One of the solution is to try to change the air conditioner to better ones which does not produce harm gases that effect the air . Another solution is to stop playing with any material that contains gases such as the colourful sprays . In addition we may also try to not do dangerous experment with chemical material in labs . In fact I know tha some of theis solutions are diffecult because for instance changing the AC will cost a lot .
In conclusion i think that all of as must do someting to stop that crise from increasing


mesh manqooooool


ثااانكس هجووورة ..

وربي يزااج الف الف خيير ..

شكرا والله يعطيج العافية…………………………

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