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Understanding الصف العاشر 2024.

I’m going to talk about understanding today, and honesty as well, not because you are not honest enough, but because you are too honest to be true.
I noticed that problems are growing up because of our extra honesty without understanding, for example when we sit together the first game we play is what do you hate about me?, which is a bad game and actually it’s a disaster in our class, because not everyone is an understanding person, when we say what we hate about each others, others won’t forgive us they think we hate them or we aim to broke them and let them down, but they pretend they are okay, well that because they are just not able to understand, and that’s not a bad point actually because 80% of people on the Earth are the kind of who are not able to understand and they deny this true actually and say that they are definitely understanding peope when they are not, and a few people who can understand others in a correct way, and here we go to that question which is why do we play the game what do you hate about me instead of the game what do you love about me?
The answer is pretty easy, it’s because we know each other from along time and we don’t need to express our amazing feelings to each other, we don’t need to say that we can’t live without each other because everyone knows that already, and what we don’t know is if we hate each other that’s why we ask in a very innocent way which leads us to get in troubles that we can ignore, remember not everyone tells u that she is an understanding girl is honest, she may not know herself for example? Not everyone knows herself in a clear way, some of them really has no idea about herself, because everyone here needs time to explore what’s inside us because we are only on the early beginning of our way.
And now the next we will play is going to be: what do you love about me?
And then we have to be honest with that and super honest, because this answer is going to make us feel satisfied about each others and love each others more, and that’s my aim from this explanation, which is teaching you how to deal with your problems with an easy way and without any offenses , and I want you all to know that I really want us to get back as we were, the most amazing class among others, and the most cooperated, because I love you all I want for you the best>

شحالكم أخوانـي هاي ممكن تسوبـه proiect .
وتقدمونـه حق الاصدقاء
شي جميل ..
ولكم مني جزيل الاحترام ..
حافظنكم ربي …

شاكر لج اختي

شكرا لج


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